
How could people still be undecided about the election???

by Guest56031  |  earlier

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These two candidates couldn't be more different and I hear there are 15 maybe 20% of people still undecided!! Do these people just want attention,lol




  1. well, some like to wait till running mates/ VPs are chosen. but yea, they need to make a decision now that the VPs have been chosen; I guess they will soon; because 18 to 20% is a lot of people....

  2. They are not undecided. They are just not telling pollsters what their choice is... Both candidates WANT them to be undecided. Neither has enough electoral votes yet. Give it a month or so, the numbers will be realistic then.

  3. I was undecided up until today. Why? I haven't seen any side by side comparisons of the candidates on the major issues or any plan as to how they are going to accomplish what they promise. All I have seen are other peoples opinions of the candidates.

    I wasn't looking for attention, I was looking for answers. All I find is typical political rhetoric and catchy slogans. I have yet to find anything of real substance.

  4. It's also about the running mates. Since McCain has picked Sarah as his running mate, perhaps Clinton supporters who are still angry she was not picked are debating whether to vote for McCain or not. That way, they'll have a woman in office and get back at Obama. And in 4 years, if McCain decides not to run again, Sarah as vice president would be able to run for president against Clinton who will most likely run again if Obama does not win. AH!  

  5. It's pretty much always this way. Lots of people don't know what they want and don't really know what makes sense even to themselves. I think for a lot of people voting is an emotional decision and then people wonder why things are the way they are. Most people do not educate themselves beyond what commercials teach them and that's why when it comes right down to it they candidate with the best PR team will end up winning. Americans should be ashamed of themselves but, they love it instead.

  6. Well the way I see it is White hype racism against the rest of the USA.

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