In my family, three out of five homes have burned to the ground. Never while I lived there, but they are completely gone for different reasons, wiring, lightning strike, and one burned by the fire department.
One home literally had some sort of port. As a child I saw people walking into a second floor closet and heard sounds as if they were going up stairs. No one was found in the closet. Then I also had a vivid experience in the attic, people walking in through a window, floating across the floor, and out of a window on the other side of the attic. Two "helpers" who looked like men in white glowing robes, referred to it as a "way station" I was so young I didn't even know what the word meant, mistaking it for "weigh station."
Any ideas? Since the homes are gone, is there some way to investigate these empty lots, but, up in the air? Would investigating on ground level bring the same results?