
How could she run like that and have 2 broken legs??

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How could she run like that and have 2 broken legs??




  1. Eight Belles could not have continued to run with two broken ankles.  She broke them at the wire and went immediately down.  The pain that the injury caused was so great that the veterinarians involved felt it most humane to euthanize her on site rather than trying to move her first.

  2. Her legs broke after the race, before she had come to a stop.  Possibly she was made nervous by the outrider who rode up to grab her bridle.  She tensed up, reared up a little with her front legs very stiff, came down on them and jammed her ankles.  It was tragic and just possibly a mishandling of the horse - should have let her calm down on her own.

  3. because they whipped her.

    & because she was amazing & only a champion could do that.

    She would have won.

    but they're sick. & they don't want to make the effort to save her.

  4. It probably happened at the very end, when she was running as fast as she could, and her leg was extremely hyperextened.  This is the result of riding horses too early in their lives before they are fully developed, and breeding them to have legs like twigs, instead of legs that can acctually support them.

  5. Eight Belles broke both of her ankles after she came in second in the Kentucky Derby. She unfortunately collapsed and was euthanized since she had virtually no chance of a recovery.

  6. A Thoroughbred is bred to run and and they have hearts of gold. They are so high strung that no matter what they are going to do what is ask of them....I have a OTTB and he had a abcess and still ran everyday even though when he stopped he was in pain but its all better now and he is fine!!

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