
How could so many people go along with it?

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My father said to me one day that he always would ask himself how the German people could not have known what their government was doing in the 30's and 40's. Now I see Americans going along with many of the same things. It's pretty scary to think about. Do you think this is what we have become as Americans? Is it really getting that bad. With all the secret prisons, the FEMA camps, The Real ID act, and countless other things I have found it hard to ignore. What do you people think?




  1. It is very hard to be objective about something when you are in the midst of it - whether it is a romantic relationship or the build up to fascism. Hindsight is always 20/20.

    Many Americans are so driven by xenophobia and fear of losing their jobs/homes/land or whatever they value, that they can't see past their own noses. Some of my family falls into this category.

    Others are uneducated, sheltered, or just plain apathetic when it comes to understanding history, issues, and the way our government works.

    Do you know the story about boiling the frog?

    If you put it hot water, it will jump out. But if you put it in a pot with cool water and then gradually raise the temperature bit by bit, he will never notice the difference and you can eventually cook him.

    This is what is happened in Germany prior to WWII and this is what is happening in the U.S. today. Our civil rights have been removed, but because we are convinced that it is for our own safety, no one is complaining. It doesn't seem to impact our daily lives, and by the time it does, it will be too late for anyone to do anything about it.......

  2. Not going along with it would be opposing the government, and I don't want to fight somebody that strong.

  3. I am very attentive to what our American government does and does not do.  I think that you are not looking at the whole picture here dear.

    To in anyway compare America today to the n**i Germans is to me, a very uneducated position.  Please rethink what you are saying!

    As a result of things like WW2 and Vietnam Americans now expect to know every single act our government agencies make.  In most cases we do.  

    I believe for our own protection some things must be kept confidential.  Actually far too many things are exposed and this sometimes jeopardizes our safety.  We elect our officials (we each have a vote by the way), to make some choices for us.  I think most politicians try to do what we the people want them to (otherwise we won't vote for them again - it's all a balance).

    In addition, I have personally viewed the situation in New Orleans (you mention FEMA) and I can tell you honestly that while I feel very bad for these victims it is not my responsibility as a tax payer to give them more than they had before Katrina.  

    Which btw, is exactly what our government has done and many still have the nerve to complain.  It's an awful example of the Socialists we are becoming.  That issue imho, is a direct result of too much welfare.  We are talking 3rd & 4th generations of welfare recipients here!  The poor people do not know another way......we've made it too easy to not work.

    Peace to you my dear....

  4. gullible people like bush fans will go and fall for anything if you tell them the bad muslim or the bad..... is around the corner.

    These same scare tactics always work.

  5. it will only get worse if a democrat is elected for president.

  6. Most people will tell you it cannot happen because this is america.....that thinking is the very reason it can happen.  And if unchecked will happen.  THAT is knowing history.

  7. You have got to be kidding me.   How dare you compare ANYTHING to what the Germans did back then... millions i mean millions of people slaughtered and know what... it is not even worth the 2 Pt's... i am done with this one.

  8. Fear




    Not knowing what is really happening in the Now.

    Our view of the events of the past are clearer now. They were not clear to the German people as they were taking place.  Only one third of the Germans were in the Natizi party.

    Now what is currently going on is something else.  We have communication like this.  The world is a lot smaller and a whole lot more people since wwII.  Many people outside of the US that are undereducated can cause us harm.  As a socity as a whole is it good that we are tighting on IDs,  Video cameras at the intersections.  

    What really f reeked me out today was the fingerprint ID machine at the check out link for kids to have government paid lunches in school.  What the F... are the kid finger prints being recorded for!

    So were is the line?  freedoms vs Security.

  9. Wow... i'm amazed that you can even make a correlation between the two. You sir are a embarrassment and should study up on history and really find out the difference between America the free and n**i Germany the death sentence for over 12 million people.

  10. No, but I do think that we've agreed to things that we wouldn't have as a result of fear after 9/11.   As for the FEMA camps, I think I'd call them trailer parks, not camps.  They were created to give people places to live and an opportunity to get back on their feet after Katrina.  Many of those people have chosen not to move on, even though they've been given every opportunity to do so.  These things don't compare in any way to what happened in the Holocaust.

  11. Well, we passed the patriot act didn't we?

  12. Your father is  correct. Listen to him and just prepare the best you can.

    I took a lot Sociology and History in college. One of my History classes was entirely centered on the n**i Revolution and how Hitler used propaganda, scape-goating, and his oratory skills to deceive most of the youth into joining his militant, anti-Semitic Hitler Youth.

    I am sorry that most of these posters have little more brain function than an amoeba and resort to name-calling, etc. Ignore them. They are the "uneducated educated" of this generation.

    Listen to your father, he sounds like a wise man.

  13. Most of these people have never heard of The Third Reich and such. Having said that, anything you try to correlate between the two events (for the most part) will be taken as you are ignorant. Unless you can tell the story, why waste your time? They don't understand what you are talking about!

  14. The answer to your question is No. We are not "going along" with it, and this is not "What we have become "We are speaking out against it, we are prosecuting and bringing to justice many who are involved in it, we are electing representatives who are anti-war, we are covering it in the media so that Americans hear about torture and abuse of power, we are actively protesting and demonstrating and fighting for the rights of all people. We are supporting and sponsoring organizations like the A.C.L.U we are working within the confines of this incredible democracy for change. To compare us as Americans to n**i Germany is inflammatory and in my opinion a grossly inaccurate portrayal of America not to mention a belittlement of all that n**i Germany affected upon the world including the Holocaust.  As an African American I am acutely aware of the imperfections of this country and the many flaws in  its system of government, but we are no n**i Germany.

  15. Actually, I am more worried about what would happen if the left wing ever got in charge with their socialist views.  The FEMA camps were just temporary housing until the people decided what to do next.  The Real ID act would standardize across the board all drivers licenses and allow for better tracking of criminals and illegal immigrants.  Remember that this year we will be electing a new President which didn't happen in Germany when Hitler took power.

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