
How could someone disable a fire-prevention sprinkler system in a stable or barn?

by  |  earlier

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Assuming that the person doesn't have much technical knowledge and that the system controls are easy to get at?




  1. There will be a valve that you can close.

    It will send a 'trouble' signal to the system monitor.

  2. Obviously the stable/barn has its own water spigot to the sprinkler system obviously if you shut it off then water could not flow into the system and would thereby disable the entire fire-prevention sprinkler system.

    While I don't know which type of heat sensor system exists but these are fairly easily disabled.

    Check you building schematics for more details then research them on the Internet. The local public library would probably not have something this specialized but a college library with engineering and architecture majors probably would.

  3. there should be a valve going out to the spinkler heads, turn it off.

  4. you don't. you call the company that maintains the system to have it shut off. the only reason to shut it off is for repairs or testing......unless you want to do something you shouldn't, in which case disabeling the system would be easy to figure out and would negate any insurance pay out.

  5. Why would you want to?

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