
How could someone like Chris Moyles "save" Radio One?

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The guy is a self-fancying, over the top, cliched moron.

His show is trash and very childish and that "saved" Radio One? Might as well shut down the station!




  1. scott mills is better. he's far more childish.

  2. i totally agree. the bloke was funny when i first started listening to him but then it started to get boring after a few weeks because he seems to say exactly the same things every day.

    also, he cant stand it if any of the other people on the show get any limelight which is a shame because theyre funnier than him

  3. Can't stand Chris Moyles, I agree with everything you've said.

    Couldn't stand Chris Evans either.

    Hopefully the BBC cut-backs will include over-paid tw*ts like Moyles and we can get back to some DJs who actually know something about the music and can entertain by being informative.

    The fact that John Peel was so popular was no accident.

  4. Well, he hasn't, as their listener figures are down, and have been dropping for some time.

    When they let Mark and Lard go the rot set in.

    I used to listen to R1 all the time, but it must be at least 1 year since I last tuned in.

    It's Jo Whiley that gets me. Moyles is obviously devoid of talent but she comes across as vaguely talented, but if you actually listen what she says it's complete b0llocks.

  5. As devil's advocate, regardless of whether you personally like Chris Moyles or not, his viewing figures go up and up, to the point where he's catching up Wogan on Radio 2.

    Unfortunately for Radio 1, Sara Cox was a failure and as much as I like Mark and Lard, Mark Radcliffe has been quoted as saying they weren't right for the Breakfast Show.

    Radio 1 are now at one of their strongest points for years - they will never again rise to the heights ratings-wise of Blackburn, Edmonds, DLT, Bates, etc. but in this age of many media choices, they are doing well.

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