
How could someone say this?

by Guest56166  |  earlier

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I was so upset when I read this question from this person...its talking about people need to stop pittying the katrina victims...this selfish son of a lady thinks its so easy to move on...

They must've not understood the struggle we went through and are going through now. I moved back to New Orleans and it's still comming together but I've lost so many family members...A cousin of mine walked in his grandmothers house (directly after katrina) and to only find her stucked to the floor because she didn't escape...

And not only that, our elders are dying so fast because of depression. We buried my grand mother a year ago because she was so depressed.

If you have not seen new orleans, i don't think you deserve to state whether or not people should feel sorry for us.

to h**l with him!




  1. i agree my cousins lived in new orleans when it happened and there house was completly destroyed that is wrong what he said because if someone who read that that lost someone in 9/11 or katrina would be sad and hes also wrong because i dont think the people that died in these things want us to forget about it and them

    so i agree with you

  2. I think he probably has made a fool of himself.  Don't be upset, there are many of us who understand what if happening in New Orleans.  I have not seen it, but I have friends there.  The situation was definitely mishandled and that is not the fault of the people who lived there in any way.  

    Just consider the source and type of person who would say such a thing about Katrina or 9/11 or any disaster of such proportions.  It's sad really.

  3. I hear what your saying. This person hasn't had to go through the trauma first hand and clearly doesn't realise the long term effects something like that can have. Sadly that's a common response. At least they suggest doing practical things to help, which has seemed to be shockingly absent (I'm from the UK and was appalled at the US Government's neglect - although it did seem that ordinary people were going all out to help if they could). But I think the real answer to your question is they could say a thing like that because it didn't happen to them and in all honesty practical help is all they can suggest. He is an idiot though.

    I'm so sorry you have had to endure such tragedy.

  4. Many people are getting tired of all the whining and complaining about Katrina. It's way past time to get on with life.

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