
How could the cetaceans possibly not be part of the galactic family of advanced civilizations?

by Guest45266  |  earlier

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Astronomy has come out of the dark ages in my lifetime, and we now know that most stars near us have families of planets or proto-planetary disks around them, and the odds that we are alone in the universe, always minute, have shrunk to point of being mathematically impossible.




  1. <<How could the cetaceans possibly not be part of the galactic family of advanced civilizations?>>

    Easily.  They could achieve this by not building cities and, therefore, not having a civilization.  They appear to have been completely successful.

  2. i think were are not alone in the universe it to big there got be other civilizations there we only need to discover them.

  3. Don't understand the way you've got your question worded. You mean you insist that they came from another planet? Seems unlikely. Fossil records show that they've lived here an awfully long time. And to have got here from another planet – well, you'd imagine some sort of ability to create artefacts such as, oh, I don't know… spaceships?

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