
How could the three sons of Noah procreate if they were the only people alive after the flood, aside 4rm Noah?

by Guest60865  |  earlier

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This is a very singular and simplistic question. There are a lot of other ridiculous aspects to the story of Noah's Ark, just thought I'd see if anyone can try explain this one.




  1. Actually they got to bring their three wives along.

    ...then the next generation all had to marry their cousins, inbreeding ahoy, but still, the women were there.

  2. It's more "thinkable" than Adam and Eve populating the world or Cain creating a city - from their children.

  3. This has been asked several times before.  Do a search on here!



  5. Have you read the story?

  6. The fable of Noah and the ark is supposed to have Noah's wife, kids and their wives. However, how does that explain all of the different races in the world? Not possible.

  7. Should this be under g*y & L*****n? LOL.

    seriously though some chicks were alegedly there and they must have been hot if I'm their decendant.

  8. Don't take the Bible word for word. Since it was way back when they didn't know how far the world went and what they saw they probably thought was all of Earth. SO when the flood came and it wiped out their area they thought it took out all of Earth. Other people were still alive. Sheesh, use some common sense. But on the ark there were 8 people.

  9. The wives were there, however, women being no more than animals in the Bible, they are mentioned only in passing.

    Try asking where the giants (or Nephilim) in Numbers came from if all the giants had been killed in the flood.

  10. They brought their wives.

    However, eight people is still not enough for a viable, non-inbred population.

  11. There were 8 souls saved on the Ark.

    Noah, his wife, Noah's 3 sons & their wives.

  12. Noah's son's wives came onboard too. It does say in Genesis.

  13. It may seem strange, but firstly, all things are possible with God.

    You must understand that  Noah's sons lived long, long lives, producing a multitued of children.

    Let us say that each of Noah's sons had 10 children. Now, you have 30 children. Now suppose out of the thirty, each produce 10 children.

    So here you have 15 couples, each producing 10 children. Now you have 150 new mouths.

    It may seem impossible that Noah and his sons replenished the earth, but it is not.  

  14. Read it again. Their wives came along. There were 8 people--Noah and his sons AND their respective wives.

  15. the lord works in mysterious ways.

  16. Try reading the Bible before asking next time.

    1 Peter 3:20 clearly states that there were 8 people on the Ark.

  17. Stuff like this is why I think almost every aspect of the man made Bible is BS.  Today if ppl were to do the horrific acts that ppl did in the Bible saying God said this that of the other he would be in an insane asylum.  I just asked a similar question have a look see;...

  18. you're taking it far too literally - read Voltair's Candide

  19. ummm their wives were with them...

    See Genesis 7:13

  20. Read the story carefully before your ask. Or have you read it by yourself? Or just heard a hearsay? Your question itself is ridiculous. Have you considered the gender? How could "sons" procreate? Go figure -- and answer your own silly question!

  21. Genesis 7:7

    7And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.

    Maybe you are criticizing without reading?

  22. They took their wives on the boat with them.  That's four couples.

    To make it simple, assume that Noah and his wife didn't have any more children (not likely but for the sake of simplicity).  Now there is no birth control so each of the remaining three women probably had a child every year or so for AT LEAST 20 years.  That would increase the population from 8 to 44 in just 12 years.  Assuming half those children were female, in 20 years, they would have added 30 more females to the population and about half of those females would already be old enough to be having their own children just 25 or so years after they left the boat.      .  

  23. Noah and his wife, and his three sons, and their wives were on board Noah's Ark.

  24. We are descended from 8 survivors.

    Noah and his wife and his 3 sons and their  3 wives.

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