
How could we build GIANT LIGHTNING CAPACITORS to collect energy from thunderstorms for our uses later?

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Would this be an efficient use of GREEN ENERGY in your opinion?




  1. It takes time to charge a big capacitor. A lightning stroke typically lasts considerably less than a second. I'm not sure how much of the energy a big cap could gather but perhaps over mulitple strokes it might be a viable idea.

  2. i belive we have these


    im not completely sure

    either i read about it somwhere

    or i thought about it and my imagination ran wild lol

    in my opinion it would be highly eficient in highly

    lightining storm reactant areas

    as 1 bolt of lightining carries enough power to run a small town

  3. Energy from lightning is extremely powerful, and therefor can not  yet be captured and stored. If and when technology allows us to capture the amazing power; One storm could power New York City for a week. So yes this would be the best, I repeat, best source of energy out there.

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