
How could you deal with Martin’s behaviour in a supportive way? What infor do you need in order to do this?

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Can someone help me with this plz what sort of things sound i be putting im not so what to put any help will do

Rupert and Martin are both 4 years old. Today, Martin has bitten Rupert on the arm. Over the past three weeks Martin has developed a pattern of biting children. When Martin’s mother comes to pick him up and hears that he has bitten again, she confides in you that she is worried about his behaviour at home also. She tells you that he is also becoming more aggressive towards her, and that she feels unable to cope.




  1. A four year old should not be biting and many schools would not allow the child to be in the school after a certain number of incidents. First of all if you have more than one teacher, one of you need to be very close to Martin when he is playing and try to intervene when you anticipate a aggressive action about to happen. I know this is not easy. Most of all the parents need some help in knowing how to handle Martin's aggressive behavior at home in order for his behavior to improve. They are lucky to have a caring place for him at school. I hope he is helped soon. He is not a happy child.

  2. It sounds to me like this is an assignment for a class.  Does your school not provide you with any sort of learning before they hand out assignments?  I only ask this because it may be time to consider another school if they do not teach you how to at least begin with answering these questions.

    When you write your response, please be careful of spelling and grammar.  "Plz" is not a word.  For more information on this, take a look at this funny video:

    As far as your question is concerned, the first thing is to listen to the parent.  You need to show you understand the parent's perspective.  After that, develop a plan to figure out why the child is biting.  How to do this should be part of this course you are taking.


  3. You need to sit down with Martin and find out what is going on.  Maybe he is having trouble getting people to understand him and the only way he can figure out what to do it is bite.  Also you need to talk to the parents and find out if anything has changed at home.  Martin may be the youngest and the others are picking on him, or maybe someone new has joined the family and this is his way to get attention.  Once you figure out what is going on it will be easier to deal with the problem.  You need to tell Martin that when he has a problem at school to come to you or one of the other teachers and together you can figure out the best way to handle the situation.  Also the next time he bites someone gently take him away from the situation and sit him in a quiet spot until he calms down, after he calms down, you need to go over and talk to him and tell him that it hurts your feelings when he bites someone and you can't allow him to do that, because you wouldn't allow someone to bite him.  Hope this helps

  4. .I agree with Matt...this has school written all over it. I think that I remember this exact same scenario somewhere before. (its actually in a old resolved question ) I don't really care if you are trying to get information for a paper.   Anyway,  you should read both Matt and Ana M.  I think that because you have not owned this situation in any form (you didn't put what your intentions were) you might not gain real knowledge here. Why do you think Ana would say this is rare for a 4 year old?  Why do you think it might be common with toddlers?  If you can answer these 2 questions than you are on your way to solving this based on some staple principles of development.  I encourage you to look into this first.  To offer you what I think about this situation...... biting happens for several reasons.  I agree with Ana that there could be some type of delay which would lead to one of the reasons for biting (frustration) Because the incidents of biting are less frequent than in early years does not rule out issues with needing attention or being frustrated. I have to put this back on you because I want you to own this for yourself.  Look into the things proposed by Matt and Anna M and figure out how they have come to these conclusions.  Matt brings up another often overlooked resource....THE ULTIMATE EXPERT IS THE PARENT!!!  I think another item to look up in this situation would be schemes in (child, family, community) I think its difficult in arena of people that promote self discovery and intrinsic behavior to just give you the answer for your school work.  If this were a real question of your life i would give you everything I have.  I wish you well in solving this.

  5. wow - 4 years old is very old for biting behavior - does he have a speech delay? Is he having a hard time communicating what he needs?  we had this problem when I worked at a daycare once (hated it by the way) - anyway, they had two adults and one was beside the biting child to anticipate any aggressive or frustrating behavior to stop it before it started.  Lots of praise for him being willing to be redirected as well. This was in the infant room though - can't imagine what a 4 year old is going through to be biting like that.  Definitely keep up the communication with the mom.  Try a reward system that if he gets through one day without biting, he gets a green square - five green squares, he gets something he has been wanting (stickers, something from the dollar store - this is given by the parent, not the teacher) - if he bites, he gets  red square.  This is hurtful behavior and a lot of preschools would be dismissing him from the program after so many incidents.  Good luck - and let us know how it turns out!

  6. Martin sounds like he frustrated and has problems verbalizing his needs. First you need to find out why he is biting ( Does he want someones toy? Is he mad at someone?) then tell him he will not get what he wants when he bites. Give him the correct words to use to ask for what he wants.  Give him tons of praise for using his words- timeout for biting. Give the child he bit -lots of attention when Martin bites him- but not Martin.

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