
How could you differentiate between the skeletons of a tall adolescent and a short adult?

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Assume the skeletons are the same size




  1. The bones of an adolescent are not as developed as an adults.

  2. besides the evidence of a longer life (scratches, signs of disease, re-healed wounds, etc) the width of the actual bones and the proportions of them (wider hips, broader shoulders, comparatively smaller head) point to a specimen being older than another

    the widening of the hips and shoulders is a post peuberty feature.. and juviniles in general have comparatively larger heads

  3. Besides the suturs of the skull being fused, another easy way to tell is by the shape of the pelvic gurdle. In the case of a short adult, the pelvic girdle will be more broad and not so 'tall'. The tall adolescant will have a lengthy and seemingly thin appearance to the pelvic gurdle.

  4. they usually go by the measurement of the fibia/tibia. that also corresponds to bone density to give approx age.

  5. best way is to check the sutures on the skull, the ziggy lines on the top and back, they are totally fused in adults, so you could tell easily from that.

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