
How could you get rid of in law home wreckers like parents?

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they continue to move in through out our 8 year marriage i helped the first few times my mistake but i thought i was doing a good thing and it's my wife's parents and our marriage fell apart because of it i told her that they need to leave and her mom over heard me say that and she said you will leave before we do, her and her boyfriend. They were right i left how is there a better way of handling it. My wife wasn't supportive. She said she would never choose me over her parents. She said to me she was to young to get married. THANKS




  1. Your answer is in your question. You stated that your wife said "she would never choose you over her parents." She's already made her decision. You're out and the parents are in. That's horrible but your wife sounds selfish and rude. I would cancel and close my joint accounts and seek advise from a lawyer.

  2. seems she gave you her answer. leave and don't go back.

  3. She already told you all that you need to know.  Cut your losses.

  4. If my mum moved into my house it would only EVER be if it was okay with my partner as well.

    It is selfish to think that it is her parents therefore her decision.

    If your wife isn't supportive or even wanting you to come back, then I believe the marriage would have ended regardless of the parents.

    So sorry you are in such a horrible situation. Best wishes.

  5. Sounds like your wife is the real problem.

    How does it feel making second place (or should I say third) in your marriage?

    Sheesh, eight years,  You must have the true face of a doormat.

  6. Get out dude, she has chosen her parents over you, you gotta be number1 to her or get out, when she chose to be with you she should have left her parents behind.....  Dude when you with someone the in-laws should stay out of the relationship, if not then your not getting what is needed, move on and find someone else, she needs a good slap in the face, choose your parents for life or your partner, not hard I chose my partner, if my parents ever did that I would legally disown them.

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