
How could you lay out furniture and equipment to make the best use of space and help children to gain access?

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to play and learning activities????




  1. Make sure everywhere is open-this way children can see what is available without having to walk round corners, look behind things etc...this will avoid them staying just in one area: also it helps aduilts see the who'll room so is a safety bonus!

    Have room split in areas: Eg: Messy area-near sink/bowl, all messy play/creative acitivites, Quiet area: away from messy and more noisy areas of the room-soft and comfy corner as they will want to relax, role play areas are the more boisterous with a lot happening so move sure its a larger area with less clutter, cupboards are great for storage in this part.

    Also by splitting room in areas you can make displays and theme related info in one area which the children interested in that 'area of learning' will have access to!

    In my room most furniture is on the outside-I mean new the walls so that the middle part of the room is more open for freedom of movement...also makes it look bigger!

    Have coat area near the doors to going out- that way if theyhave free access indoorsand outdoors they can get their coats independently.

    Around the room have open tubs or shelves-have a selection of toys that child can get out themselves EG: in my setting we have a car mat and garage-next to it are tubs with people, blocks, other vehicles so children can choose what they want and extend their play wihtout having to wait for adult or ask-it gives the self-esteem and independence.

    Watch the children: see HOW thep lay with the areas of the room...then u can adjust to meet the needs and interests of your individual children!

  2. Ensure the tables and chairs are the correct size for the children who are to usse them. Equipment can be in boxes with a picture  of the equipment on the front and the same picture on the shelf where it lives, this enables the child to look after the environment and further helps the chils to choose and return equipment.

    Have designated areas for play.  ipa,wet, construction, quiet, etc. this allows the child to learn where equipment can be used. Colour code the storageboxes to the areas. Make sure  there is sufficient space around activities to allow safe passage.

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