
How could you lower your metabolism?(mine is to high)?

by  |  earlier

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Is there a way to lower your metabolism mine is to high i am a 17 year old male and i went to the doctors office on wednesday and they weighed me i am at 114 lbs. i hate it like h**l. I am about 5' 5" and i would like to lower my metabolism i think its too high i eat way to much and i never gain any weight and i take vitamins and i don't know how to lower it i have tried to work out more and tried to gain muscle but it doesn't work for me. How can i lower it and gain weight and NO I AM NOT TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT. Please also i am a juniorur and i weigh 114 BUT when i was freshmen i weighed 128 i lost weight and i cant gain any.




  1. Im jealous.Just stop moving breathe slower and sleep more.Eat more carbs:pasta,breads etc.

  2. Stop taking Vitamins......

  3. There's nothing you can do about it really. Your metabolism will eventually slow down on it's own in time. And then you'll probably realize that you took your fast metabolism for granted!

  4. The thing is the more you eat the faster your metabolism gets because it works harder to digest your food.  The key is to eat large amounts of food long intervals away from each other.  Also, working out increases your metabolism.

  5. Oh no, don't complain about that.  Enjoy it while you have it.  When you're 30 and all your friends are fat and you're fit and trim you'll be grateful.

  6. by just sitting on your a**.  : )

  7. I wish I had your problem!

    There's medications that will slow it.  Also, make sure the vitamins you're taking aren't speeding up your metabloism

  8. It's actually just your age. Most people's metabolism slows down by their 20's. If you want to slow it down though, you need to talk to a dietician. A dietician can tell you what would make your body react differently to the foods and the amounts of protien, iron, vitamins, etc. People here on Yahoo Answers sometimes do have good advice, but where health is concerned it is always best to see a doctor so that YOUR specific situation can be assessed. You need to know the different levels of certain protiens and vitamins in your body to determine what would help you gain/lose weight.  

  9. i have the same problem, but i'm a girl and i'm 5' 10'' and 118

    i feel your pain.. i hate it too!!!!!!

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