
How could you make a community supr green?!?

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just fyi green means like really earth friendly, PLEASE NO STUPID ANSWERS!!! i need good ideas, its 4 school!!!





    some more ideas in  eco conscious

  2. Take the following steps:

    1. Make sure all the buildings are well insulated so that minimum energy is required for heating.

    2. Add renewable energy sources for heating such as solar water heating panels, biomass boilers or geothermal heat pumps.

    3. Add renewable electricity sources such as photo-voltaic panels, wind turbines or hydro-electrics. (requires a water course)

    4. Provide low energy lighting and appliances.

    5. Introduce grey-water recycling (uses bath water to flush toilets etc) and rainwater retention (permeable paving helps reduce flooding of nearby rivers)

    6. Provide cycle parking spaces and dedicated cycle lanes.

    7. Increase ease of access to public transport - more bus stops etc.

    8. Dedicate space to ecology i.e. wildlife and planting.

  3. Install envionmently friendly energy sources, like renewable resourses

    This could be wind technology (turbines), or also geothermal energy (getting energy from under the earth)

    this is a carbon free possibility to supply your whole city

    hope i could help

  4. become a transition town;

    join the 'great turning' (change the way you all think);

  5. start off with small things like recycling

  6. People could carpool, ride bikes, or just cut down on the fossil fuels.

  7. One of the first places that I would start is with the US Green Building Council (USGBC).  

    They are the ones that rate office buildings, shopping centers, etc with the LEED program and have a pilot for neighborhood developments and houses.

  8. Viral marketing. Show everyone how cool it is. Replace every day activities with green activities. Convince friends to do the same. You need to get the social circles to find it cool to do things like ride bikes or whatever else you consider green

  9. We should start to look and observe at ourselves first....  being a non-smoker, like me, will make the community super green... hehe",  

    Not smoking cigarettes will not only make our surrounding clean, but also it will provide benefits to my health - such as preventing lung diseases.

    In the Philippines (my country), we make sure our environment is clean by promoting garbage segregation, recycling, waste water management, and etcetera...

    Thats all I can say for now... ",

  10. Massive support for bike lanes, sidewalks and shopping centers which accommodate pedestrians

  11. Right now, I'm looking through the book 'The Green Book' and there are so many ways you can help!

    Here's a passage from the book:

    "Ways you could help in your very own House:

    1) Take shorter showes: Every two minutes you save on your shower can conserve more than ten gallons of water. And that can add up: If everyone in the ountry saved just one gallon from their daily shower, over the course of year it would equal twice the amount of freshwater withdrawn from the Great Lakes everyday. The Great Lakes are the world's largest source of freahwater.

    2) Set your thermostat a degree higher for air-conditioning and a degree lower for heating, and you could save $100 per year on your utility bill. Keep adjusting and you'll save even more. If every home in America turned the dial, we could save more than $10 billion per year on energy costs, enough to provide a year's worth of gasoline, electricity, and natural gas to every person in Iowa.

    3) Recycle. If everyone in America simply seperated the paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum products from the trash and tossed them into a recycling bin, we could decreas the amount of waste sent to landfills by 75 percent. Curretly, it takes an area the size of Pennsylvania to dump all our waste each year."

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