
How could you make a type of converter for all car models currently existing to accept alternative fuels?

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Is there a way to use garbage or compost as a fuel?

( As seen in the movie Back to The Future for the Delorian)

If so, can it be made environmentally sound?




  1. Yes there is. The fuel is called butanol. It can be produced in a similar  method to ethanol. You get a lower yield, so it is best to use waste feedstocks as opposed to dedicated crops. I hope to develop a small scale system able to supply a small Ag operation off their own wastes. The leftover "mash" is a good soil amendment as well. Butanol is virtually identical to gasoline in it's structure and energy content an so current engines do not need modification, (no flux capacitor needed) and if designed properly will be very environmentally friendly. Really our energy problems will be solved if we could control the breakdown of cellulose and ligno-cellulose a bit better. MIT says they've got it, but I haven't seen it yet.

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