
How could you make waterpolo easyer?

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i need help i mite not be that good in water polo but i like the sport how could i make practic easyer




  1. Work on your eggbeater.  Once you done focusing on keeping your head above the water, everything gets easier.  Do interval workouts, with fifteen seconds hands out, fifteen seconds elbows out, and then thirty seconds arms straight above your head.  Rest for thirty seconds, and go again.

  2. you just gotta suck it up and give it a shot.  I been playing for 3 years.  No way to make it easier.  Sorry dude. Its a pretty hard sport.  The first years gonna be rough.  Then youll get used to it.  Dont worry

  3. Well, instead of brooding about what you don't like, focus on what you do like about the sport. It is pretty hard at first, but trust me it gets easier. :)

  4. Eat more. Honestly, you will develop the appetite. Getting just a little zaftig will noticeably help your endurance, floatation, and warmth.

  5. Well, instead of brooding about what you don't like, focus on what you do like about the sport. It is pretty hard at first, but trust me it gets easier

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