
How could you really tell the difference between ?

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an alien and a demonic being pretending to be an alien?




  1. Sprinkle him with holy water. Be careful not to do this to a Fdngnarikrlian, though. They consider sprinkling water on someone a declaration of war and will vaporize us all. That incident in Brooklyn involving the kid with the squirt gun really riled them and they're not apt to cut us any more slack.


  3. Well if it were a demonic being I'd ask it where it came from.

    I'm guessing you believe in Heaven and h**l and all that bollocks, so I ask you, if the "demon" came from a h**l, where exactly would that h**l be?

    In the center of the Earth?

    I doubt it.

    If it is outside of Earth, the being is by definition an extraterrestrial being (e being not from Earth).

    And if I am wrong, may the Devil thrust me into the depths of h**l for spitting on his reputation.

    Which of course won't happen.

  4. realizing that demonic beings don't exist would be a start.

  5. If you seen an alien, it'll look like nothing you've ever seen before and physically real.

    If you see a demon pretending to be an alien, you can poke yourself and you will wake up.

  6. Yep.

  7. Its not much of a problem. Interstellar distances prevent interstellar travel.  Hence there can be no aliens.  Demons are every bit as real as pixies and unicorns.  Which is to say "not real" .  Since you will never see either, the problem of telling the difference between the two becomes moot.  

  8. Think 4th Reich/New World Order/manipulation of the masses


    Another hint: Demons smell like burnt sulfur. STINK!

  9. If it looks nothing like us in any way due to there having to be tremendous differences in evolutionary lines and makes it self known in like 50 to 100 years- then maybe- perhaps an alien.

    But if they resemble our image in any way: have 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, nose, mouth, and visit us any time between now and 2012 then something strange is afoot at the Circle K, my friend. The Fallen and the Antichrist have made their move and probably using the LHC to say it opened a "doorway" or some similar c**p.

  10. The best and only reasonable solution to the Fermi Paradox is that we are the ONLY show in the town:

    But if you just HAVE to believe in ETs and UFOs, they have something special in store for you. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    Type III 'aliens' and fake 'messiahs' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Later, ask yourself how we knew in advance

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