
How could you shoot a kid that everyone made fun of?

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In reference to the Tennessee shooting:

the kid that was murdered had alopecia and was balding.




  1. Janet hit the nail on the head. America needs some gun laws.

    1. It shall be illegal to murder someone with a gun.

    2. It shall be illegal for an under age person to posses and carry a gun,

    3. It shall be illegal for a mentally deranged person to posses a gun.

    Oh wait. Those are already the law. And they were broken. But Janet thinks that a few more laws would somehow make a difference.

    Janet thinks that if we simply made guns illegal there would be no more problems with guns. Like the great luck we have had since making drugs illegal. Wella, no more drugs or drug abuse.

    Cocaine has been illegal all over the entire world for over 60 years now. Why is it still so easy to find and to obtain? Grow up Janet.

    The anti gun left thrives on the misery of the victims of violent criminals. Rather than calling for the punishment and elimination of the violent criminals, they call for the elimination of an object that will never be eliminated. They should be ashamed.

    I am very sorry for the family of the boy who was shot. It was another senseless act of violence which is becoming an epidemic in our country.

  2. This is tragic event. This person lost ther life due to someones elses problems. Was the shooter trying to put the kid out of "misery"? Did the kid who was killed do something to the shooter? It is unfathomable that someone at 16 can take the life of someone else. It realy makes me wonder what type of home life, respect, religion and manners this shooter had. Sounds like he was deeply disturbed - obviously!

  3. How many more of these school shootings are we going to experience before some serious gun laws restricting access to guns are passed?  It is hard enough to identify those with serious mental problems vs everyday life issues, and then guns are added into the mix.  It is a terrible tragedy and a sad commentary on our society.

    To answer your question, he could do it because he is a mentally derranged kid without a conscience, and he was able to get hold of a deadly weapon and take it to school.  I also wouldn't be surprised to learn that he played violent video games since he was a toddler.

  4. I don't know. But thats horrible.

  5. self defense.

  6. The  police  aslo  have  guns  and  are  mentally  retarded.

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