
How could you travel back in time using a blackhole?

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How could you travel back in time using a blackhole?




  1. I think all a black hole would do is turn your butt hole inside out then tear it to pieces. Next you would just disappear but gravity does distort space and time but we don't know if this means speeding time up or slowing it down. It could even stop time or make time repeat it's self in a effort to catch up to normal space and time. I don't think black holes are wormholes at all. It's just massive gravity that condenses matter that size of earth into matter so small it can't be seen. IMO they are not good methods for time/space travel.

  2. I found the similar Q&A in Yahoo-JP on Mar20. Let me introduce the Ans. here.


    By yenpoundollareuro

    Assuming you have gone through this site

    But the experiment for generating a mini blackhole has not yet been done and it will be done at Large Hadron Collider of CERN and it is different from the one for Time Traveling.

    Accoding to the CERN, the mini blackhole will break up as instantly as it is born.

    This is the theory according to Dr.Mallet.

    You can not send a particle to the past, because there was not the time tunnel in the past.

    He is trying to send a particle to the past, using the time tunnel by warping the timespace.

    By this way, he thinks he can get the particle sending from himself in the future.

    For that purpose, the time tunnel must be running for 24h a day.

    If the time tunnel has run for 10 years, he can get the particle from the 10 years in the future.

    Even if you send a particle to the past where there is no time tunnel. the particle will get lost and filally evoporate.


  3. I don't know about black holes. But Carl Sagan in his book "COSMOS" (great read!) talked about wormholes and how they can take you to different parts of the cosmos. Apparently there is a constant Big Bang and we are moving away from him therefore progressing in time. But the closer you move to the Big Bang that is occurring right now, you are traveling back in time. I forgot how he said that worked but that is all I can recall at the moment.

  4. The theory i heard was this. first you have to combine a Black hole with a Brown hole and this is supposed to create something called a Worm hole. through this Worm hole, you could travel between dimensions.

  5. read more books by physicists and less c**p by people with urine in their gene-pools.

  6. If we had known wer all the matter absorbed by the blackhole goes, then we wud hav made a special space shuttle to acquire the time bak, but thats maybe centuries from now.....but i fink we use a worm wormhole instead of a all z others sed.............

  7. Practically speaking you can't.

    However theoretically, if you could form a circle out of the center of a black hole, (The singularity) you might be able to travel back in time by passing through it, although once again practically speaking you would be crushed to death long before then.

  8. you cant.

  9. you can't you can only do that using a wormhole because a black hole is a door to I don't know what while a wormhole is like two black holes that are connected through time and space.

  10. i think it's a wormhole.  I could be wrong.  I think wormholes bend light, therefore by bending or folding light, you change time.

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