
How could you use conditioning principles teach a dog or a cat to come when called?Should you punish or not?

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its all about classical conditioning




  1. I agree with Jan. I have trained my cat to begg like a dog, and my hamster to take food from my hand gently. I have taught my fish to come to the tops of the tank and take food righto out of my hands. YOu just need to take the time to do it over and over. repetition is the key. Animals are smart. I have a squirl that comes to my door and begs for food. Just be patient and never scold the animal for your impatients. If you point and rewarding ususally with a treat they will get it! Give your pet an easy name. When caling your pet by its name it will learn the sound and know you are talking to it. and when the finally come give them a treat! Godd boy/girl! don't forget to give lots of kisses!

  2. You would apply the same priciples as that used by Pavlov . Pavlov taught a dog that if he rand a bell , food would come and if he did not ring the bell no food .

    Should you use punishment , not in any really harmful way you might use one of those collars that give a small electrical shock but nothing serious . When you call, if he comes do not shock him , but reward him . If you call and he does not come give him a very mild shock that will just irratate . After enough shocks and rewards he will begin to associate the two with his actions.

  3. Just snap your fingers and point.  I even get strays to mind me without doing anything else.  (And no punishment.  They didn't do anything wrong.  YOU didn't do it right.)

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