
How crazy is that about Star Bucks customers trying to save closing stores? Why don't they just walk down the

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street to other one?

Seriously I just saw on the news that a Star Bucks is closing in a mall I used to work at, but there is a book store with a Star Bucks inside on the other end of the mall. So I don't see the big deal people can still get their coffee at the mall they just have to go to the bookstore!




  1. don;t have a clue as have never wasted money there

  2. The hard core Star Bucks customers are hooked on a VERY FALSE status symbol.  They put me in mind of people who move out of NYC and still have the New York Times mailed to them.

    "The Beautiful People" have to be seen in the appropriate environment and doing the "right thing".  Kind of like John Kerry eating a "Philly-Stake-n-cheese" during the last election yet insisting that Provolone be used on it.

  3. Starbucks, though people complain is a very good company...did you know that they give healthcare benefits to any employee working over 20 hrs a week (most places dont do that until 40/week) This takes a huge burden off society to pay for people who can only work part time to have health insurance through state programs....I dont have a problem spending and extra buck a day if that is the result of my dollar...Starbucks treats their employees very well, id imagine the problem is not accessibility to the starbucks but the people who will loose their jobs and their healthcare if that store closes, that people are concerned about

  4. There are McDonalds on every corner, too. I wish they'd shut down a few of them lol.

    Mind you, I love going to Starbucks, but maybe the closure is an opportunity for a local entrepreneur to start up a coffee business of their own?

  5. How crazy is it that you actually CARE?  If they're happy with a particular location, why SHOULDN'T they try to keep it from closing?  You have spots where you socialize (that is, if anybody is willing to hang with you, which I'm starting to doubt); why shouldn't THEY?

    You sound like a really nasty person to me - and certainly an unfeeling one.  Try standing in someone else's shoes for a change - you might even grow up a little.

  6. ARE aware that it is not always the case, are you not? I doubt those customers would do that but I just read today about a store in a tough 'hood in Chicago that was a symbol of its becoming a better neighborhood. There aren't any others nearby so it is a loss for them. Same with other areas in Chicagoland. I think you have to see beyond your little universe because it does affect certain communities adversely (of course, the ones I regularly visit are gonna remain here and within 8 blocks there are like 4 of them, not to mention two Caribou's, and other small cafes!)...

  7. Big Ol' Gal Named Hildy you sound nasty to me who are you to judge. I agree it does seem like there are way too many Star Bucks around. I don't like their coffee either. It does seem like there is one on every corner! Or in every book store.

  8. First, they have become addicted to the great variety of coffees and teas offered: Brewed Coffees, Espressos both hot and cold, Frappuccinos, Blended Coffees,  Tazo Tea, Classic Favorites, Vivanno, and so on.  Ahh, and then there are the pastries (yummy). Their coffee is richer or heavier tasting than most other coffees found at the mall. Second, "haven't you seen people "taking their ease," so to speak, around Starbucks. It becomes a habit (if I don't get my double shot I'm going to freak). It's kind of social, it becomes a gathering place where the hip and semi-famous congregate, "Hey look at me, I've got money, I can afford this" (just kidding). It' a place to go like Borders or Baskin Robbins.  And third, some people just really like the coffee.  This ad has been brought to you by me!

  9. Ok, one person made a comment about Starbucks being a status symbol.  I drink specialty drinks there because I like them, not because some celeb walks around the hills with one in her hand.  

    The big deal to some people is that the Starbucks they're losing is the only one near them.  This isn't the case for me.  Though it is for my sister who just moved to a new town and once the starbucks there closes the nearest will be about 30 minutes away.  And for others, the nearest starbucks is hours away.

    My biggest problem with it is the 12000 jobs that are going to be lost.  In the economy we have these individuals must be freaking out.  I couldn't imagine losing my job right now.

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