
How create a best tv music show for 1 hour...?? plz help me...n give me suitable title to it..?

by  |  earlier

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the idea should relate to how can songs be played in a different manner to entertain people for one hour in a tv channel...




  1. mix  it up

    or swith it up

    or rrrrrrreeewind

                 i dont really get what your talking about

  2. Sometimes back , at night I saw a programme of mridangam being played by 4 different parties in front of a temple . Such exquisite was the programme which lasted for an hour, that had I a video camera it would have been aready -made programme to be played on T.V.

    Each Mridangam was playing a theme of its own for about 3 to 4 mts. And then the next was answering to him. It kept allof us absolutely spell-bound for more than an hour !

    The title - ' Sawal -Jawab Mridangam'

    Well this is one of the idea.

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