
How culture would influence a child's development?

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How culture would influence a child's development?




  1. Culture does influence a child's development to a point.  The enviornment that a child lives in can cause delays in development if a child isn't allowed to do things on their own.  However, Every child is born with a specific timetable that is ingrained. A child, no matter what culture, begins to communicate at birth through eye contact and their cries.  This causes connections in the brain that allows them to continue to learn.  Physical development is already mapped out in the childs DNA.  children all over the world begin to walk around one year, they communicate with aprox. 100 words or more by two years, puberty hits at aprox the same age no matter where you live...its genetic, not cultural.  Culture will affect their development if say a child is not allowed to feed themselves until they are five, or  they are never put on the ground to learn to crawl for fear of insects or serpents, eventually, the genetic code evens out and development of the human is pritty much the same all over the world.  Culture may cause delays or even cause some children to exceed, but the differances are not something that would ever cause permanant deficiencies unless under extreem circumstances

  2. The society we live in defines what is normal and abnormal, for every step and details of our  life.For some cultures leaving a child in a day care is normal, for some (European) cultures it would be a tragedy.

    Yes, culture is very important factor in everyone life!

  3. Every culture is unique.  Different customs influence the childs direction in life and how he sees things.  For example some times in prayer one covers their eyes.  When I showed my child this picture with a tear drop on the face and a child covering his eyes.  His first reaction was that the boy was praying.  Until I pointed out the teardrop and then he saw it.  So obviously whatever customs we are used to are going to influence the reaction of each individual.

  4. The child's culture will  definitely influence the way the child behave, thinks etc.  For example, food is culture. Japanese live the longest because it is said their food is the most healthiest in the world.

  5. Promoting culture within an early years environment with children is a way of meeting government legislationas The Children Act 1989 recognises the need for all children to develop positive self-images regardless of their race.

    Culture also encourages respect - people of different cultures and religions live close together in cities all around the world.  They all have their own customs and traditions.

    Prejudice and discrimination are damaging to all children and research has shown that:

    - Children who grow up feeling they are superior (because of their gender, their class, their religion etc) will have a damaging view of humanity which will limit their ability to form human relationships.

    - Children who grow up feeling that they are inferior or that others view them as inferior (because of their gender, disability, skin colour etc) will not be able to achieve their full potential.

    Cultural play - this is how play can value, celebrate and raise awareness of different cultures.  Cultural play can enhance learning, understanding and acceptance.

    Cultural play promotes self-esteem and positive self - image in children. All children & adults need to value their own cultural backgrounds - race, religion and culture.

    There are many resources that can be used within a child care setting to develop positive images and identities, and prevent cultural stereotyping.

  6. the genes with which a child arrives, only prepare the child to absorb and develop: Culture is what decides, what the child absorb and how, and, therefore, culture conditions the child's mind and behaviour as the child grows! Culture is the environment, the agent of growth! Culture is everything, in a child's development!

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