
How d'you tell a friend (in a nice way) that she's wearing a really ugly top that makes her look like a lolly?

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My friends has worn this top a couple opf times but it makes her look really out of proportion and she can gt sensetive sometimes so I don't want to upset her.... But she needs to know!

Thanx [:




  1. start off by complimenting her and telling her wat a nice figure she has and then go on to say that no offence but the top u are wearing doesn't really do much 4 ur figure maybe u would be better off wearing something like... (go on to say wat does suit her) also point out that the only reason u r telling her this is that she is a good friend and u want her to look her best and that u don't want to upset her but if it was u  would rather no if something didn't suit u  

  2. I say don't tell her at all!

    I think that if she likes it, who cares what anyone else thinks of it?


    you could suggest going shopping together, and you could fix her up with some cool stuff. If she gets really cool stuff, she might not like her old top anymore.

    Hope this helps!


  3. deliberately spill something on it and then buy her a nice new top to replace it with  

  4. just tell her she'll apreciate the honesty

  5. l**k her, then she will know what she looks like and it will be taken is a complement. Im not sure if this will work for you but the other day it worked for me. No im serious she looked like a lolly too. Now she won't wear the shirt because she knows if she does i'll l**k her.

  6. just tell her, ur being more of a friend if u tell her than if u dont

  7. When she wears the top, look at her and say, do you really like the look that your projecting with that top on.  I just don't think that your looking at it in the same way that I am.. Take her to the mirror and show her.  Then tell her your sorry that you just thought that she ought to know.  Your not trying to hurt her feelings that you just want her to be able to always be as pretty as she can be and that top just doesn't do it for her and that it's just not appealing.  Good Luck

  8. just tell her that you dont think the top really fits her. or buy her a new top. that aways helps me

  9. if she is really a good friend of yours just tell her:"hi i don't think that this top is really good on you"

    good luck!

  10. Tell her its okay, but THAT OTHER one omg THAT OTHER one is brilliant, and THAT one and THAT one lol ...

  11. You are heading for trouble, but if she is a really good friend just tell her "I dont really think that top does much for you"

    Good luck, if she loves you she wont take the hump.

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