
How dangerous are the following jobs in the US Army?

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Could you rank them and say why:

Field Artillery Officer

Armor Officer

Infantry Officer




  1. all of them you will be in the army. those dumbest group of guys on the planet. join another service.

  2. ALL troops, regardless of which arms (Artillery, Armor, Signal, Engineer etc) they are in, are first and always .... Infantry.....  

    The risks may change artillery officer has to worry about counter engineer officer is often in front of the infantry..... in the combat arms there is no "safe" place.

    Ranking them is splitting hairs....  Do you want to get shot in the infantry or vaporized in a tank.... moot point

    To be honest......even REMF can find themselves in the $hit..... ask the cook in Saigon fighting of VC sappers with a 2X4 during Tet ......

    If you are looking for a safe place......become a monk

  3. All of those jobs are dangerous.  The Armor and Artillery officers find themselves leading platoons outside the wire doing MRC missions.  We need more infantry in Iraq than we have over there right now, so a lot of soldiers in jobs that aren't used as much over there are retrained to fill in the gaps.

  4. Its the Army. They're going to be dangerous. If you're scared of joining because they're potentially dangerous ... during a time of WAR ... in a position LEADING MEN INTO COMBAT .. then don't join.

    Lets say you have a 1LT who has never been deployed. He will deploy with his platoon (he's the PL .. platoon leader) who has probably several deployments and are seasoned, and he will be responsible to lead them into combat, through patrols, etc etc etc.

    You idiot, they're all dangerous.

    The field artillery officer? yep he'll be there with the company element directing company fire missions.

    The armor officer? Yep he'll be out there leading his tanks.

    It's a war. Honestly what do you expect? Stop typing and think and actually use your head for once, cause we don't need people like you in the Army.

    If that doesn't work, stop breathing.

  5. They are all potentially dangerous. Artillery and armor troops are constantly leaving the wire and performing the same missions as infantry soldiers. It all depends on where you are, and what you know and do while you are there.

  6. If your looking for a safe job dont join the ARMY! Dont join the miltary in general. They are all dangerous some more than others.

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