
How dangerous is a displaced intestine in a horse?

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The stable manager just called and told me that the horse who had colic last night was now diagnosed with a displaced intestine. She said they were trying to treat him with fluids, and if he didn't improve in three hours or so, they would ship him to Ohio State. ): I don't know a lot about horse health problems because we've been very lucky and hadn't had many. Please tell me if he has a good chance of survival or not.




  1. My horse went through a serious colic and the vet could feel a displaced intestine.  She tried to talk me into surgery, which I refused.  Only then did she tell me about a drug (phenylephrine, I think) that would reduce the size of the spleen and possibly open up the intestinal passageway.  We gave it, and within one hour the horse was fine.  He is still with me years later...please advise your stable manager to inquire about this drug before making any decisions.

  2. sometimes a displaced intestine will work itself out but it can be a nail biting experience for someone who hasn't had it happen before.on a scale from 1-10 (ten being worst case)your horse is at about a 7 but it can quickly escalate if the intestine strangulates,that is what the fluids are for to allow the intestine to keep inflated so it doesnt sounds like your stable manager has been on top of the situation and has planned ahead.keep us informed on the progress.

  3. a displaced intestine is highly dangerous. 95% horses die from it. it all on how strong you and your horse are if it lives. i do hope he gets better. may god be with u and your horse.

  4. REALLY dangerous its like our intestines being in the wrong place have him go to the vet

  5. That horse could be in serious trouble.  He may have to undergo surgery to fix the problem and even then, it is possible that the vet will not be able to save him.  This happened to my friend's horse about 3 years ago.  It was awful!

    I hope he pulls through.

  6. That is a question for a vet definitely.  All circumstances are different, you need a consult.

  7. It is likely that the fluids are not going to be enough and he will require surgery. But of the kinds of colics that require surgery, displacement is the best kind to have. It doesn't involve the surgeon having to do any cutting inside your horse, which minimizes the risk of complications (as long as you've caught it soon enough and it hasn't cut off blood supply and killed a section of intestine). Hopefully he will get better without the surgery, cuz even a displacement surgery has many risks. Good luck and I hope your horse is okay!

  8. VERY bad. if the intestine doesn't go back into the correct place soon. The only remedy is surgery to put it back in it's place. If it's caught soon enough, which it sounds like it was, Surgery will probably save his life barring any unexpected problems. Poor Boy. Good luck.

  9. I have no experience with colic (thankfully) but god bless

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