
How dangerous is it to have a bat fly around the workplace? they eventually catch it, i work in food service.?

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How dangerous is it to have a bat fly around the workplace? they eventually catch it, i work in food service.?




  1. Bats are NOT dangerous.  They are extremely beneficial to our planet, especially since they consume their own body weight in insects every night.  One cave of bats can eat literally "tons" on insects each night.

    On the other hand, ANY animals in a "food service work place" is not a good idea, and is considered unhealthy to our food supplies.

    Once the bat is captured, it should just be released back into the wild.  It obviously got in there by mistake, because hopefully you have no flying insects in there to attract it.

  2. get in trouble by health department.

  3. It depends where you live. In england it is illegal to touch bats (I know that sounds weird, conservation issue). In countries where rabies occurs then bats are best avoided, they have a reputation for carrying the disease. Other than that, no more dangerous than any other wild animal in a food preperation area (they're a lot cleaner than rats).

  4. It's not Dangerous at all. The poor thing got trapped Indoors- & was franticly flying around & looking for a way out. It happens all the time...

  5. Well i had thought not very dangerous, but a health hazard. But, this Mayo clinic paper brought some interesting information to light and gives pause for concern:

    It notes that "For many patients in whom nucleotide analysis shows that the rabies virus strain is of bat origin, no history of an actual bat bite can be obtained.  This may be because the bat bite is extremely small, the patient does not report a bite to anyone and can no longer give the history, or the virus is spread through aerosol transmission"

  6. um.. would you have a mouse or a roach  fly around your workplace?

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