
How dangerous is it when your tire begins to seperate?

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I took my car to the mechanic yeasterday and he said two of my tires are beging to seperate. He told me driving around town will be safe but dont go on the highway because high speeds with cause me to have a blow out. Do you think ill have a blow out driving around doing 45mph? I have to pick my teo year old god daughter up tomorrow and im scared to have her drive in my car.




  1. I can agree with the person who told you that. What happens is your tread separates and you loose control of your vehicle. Remember if you start to slide steer into the slide it will help you emergency brakes tend to help you stop sooner. You can have a blow out going 10 mph it just depends on the conditions. There is no guess about it. But I can say it will happen until you replace the tires. Be aware of the noise from your car , the way your car rides, for this can give you some clues if it is getting worse. Good luck with your vehicle.

  2. Well, if I remember correctly, I think there was a big lawsuit with certain tire dealers because their product had frequent separations, which led to fatal car accidents.  Use your sound judgement.  If your car isn't safe, don't get your God-daughter.  Use the bus.

  3. The tires are probably old and are dry rotting. Most tires have a life span of 4 years before dry rotting or separating starts. If you are that worried about them, buy new ones ASAP. Check your newspaper for sales or a national tire store. Driving around on them can cause a blow-out at any time. Do be careful.

  4. Tire separation, don't drive the car around anywhere just get them replaced.

  5. Generally, it's not safe. Even at 45 mph there's no way of predicting exactly what your car will do if the tire completely falls apart. Will you be next to other cars? Is it a 2-lane road with on-coming traffic? Are there sharp curves with no railing? Are you driving an SUV with a high center-of-gravity? How experienced of a driver are you? Will you drive with one hand on the cell phone and the other on the wheel? See what I mean?

  6. Yah it's not a good idea at all really. what you can do if finances are tight is check out a good tire store that sells used tires. many elder folks buy new tires before they are out of wear, so most places sell them to us for around 25-35 dollars. this will buy you sometime and a chance to look up your tire brand for recalls and maybe get them replaced. tire separation is usually a manufaturer's defect. especially if you have even wear on the tiress, any wear that more on one side or the other means an alignment is needed, separation of that kind is not under the manufacturers defect clause.  check around for used before picking up your daughter, i've had great luck in them myself as a emergency back-up plan

  7. You shouldnt be to bad going 45 but it could blow at anytime.

  8. Once they start getting out of round, I wouldn't drive on 'em at all.  Too dangerous, and tires are just too cheap to be doing that to yourself.  If one does let go, even at 30 mph, it tears your car up pretty good, and that's just a big waste for nothing.

  9. My suggestion is that you stop by a Professional tire store and have an Expert who is in the tire business take a look at your tires. Mechanics are notorious for saying tires are bad when in fact they are not. Tires are not a mechanic's specialty.

  10. You should be ok. Change them as soon as you are able to.

  11. Get new tires now! You'll feel better about yourself and your two year old God daughter will too!

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