
How dangerous is playing paintball for a 9 and 13 year old?

by Guest58495  |  earlier

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I feel this is dangerous can someone tell me I need to know because my boyfriend nephew is here visiting us for the week and he wants to go find a place to go play paintball.




  1. a 13 year old boy would be fine. im 13 and i play paintball all the time i have my own gun and loads more. But you might want to put gloves on him because a shot to the knukles can hurt and put a baxkwards cap on him so the paint doent get in his hair. A 9 year old girl is a big no though, i have a 9 year old sister and she wanted to play so we let her...she started crying when she got shot. and mongo_safari your full of bull ****...go to h**l. and its not dangerouse at all for a 13 year old. also richard c are you kidding me hockey and rollerblading? no im sorry hockeys fine i play in a checking leage and iv never gottin a scratch and the rollerblading must a joke i also rollerblade...never fell in my life.

  2. just follow all the rules, and it will be ok.

    some groups are crazier then others, that is what you have to be careful about

  3. everywhere i go to paintball you at least have to be 10 years of age so they wont let ur daughter play anyway....but for ur boyfriends nephew its fine...i take my 11 year old brother all the time and he has a blast...if you want him to be safe just rent a vest for him..that way if he gets shot in the chest or in the back he wont even feel it...hope this helps

  4. Paintball isnt as Dangerous as you think. You may walk away with a welts but that nothing gives you some to tell your friends. The impact of a paintball feel like taking index and middle finger and slappng your self as hard as you can.

    You HAVE to wear a googles which cover ears, eye, mouth and nose. some may cover the top of the head but it really rare to get shot on top of the head and that just all bone so it doesnt hurt.

    the limit is 300 FPS(200ish MPH) but most field turn it down to 280FPS.

    Ankle, knee injursy are the same as play any sport where runing, jumping, sliding and ect.

    They may not let the 9 yr play cuz they cant cover her cuz the 10 is the age limit.

    There are more dangerous thinks to do beside paintball. Driving, skydiving, tackel Football, Hockey, Rollerskating, Hunting, boating those your more likely to get kill or break some thing paintball you will have a welt that about it.

    You cant knock intel you tryed it. May want to pick up a Cup cuz if oyu get hit there it hurts i know. Has for girls playing Look Up Bea Youngs She is one of the best female players

  5. take them reballing instead loads of fun and not as dangerous

  6. 9 and 13 year olds? Are you nuts?

    If it's a sanctioned paintball group they won't let the kids near. Why not give them masks and guns and let them get after it in the back yard? Oh, have 911 on speed dial and a good address for the ambulance to find them.

  7. Don't know what the first dude is talking about.  As long as safety regulations are followed (300fps speed limit, full goggle system), paintball is as safe as any other sport out there.  I've played competitively for 4 years and have never seen anyone get hurt while playing or spectating.

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