
How dare you hold britons at guantanamo bay ?

by  |  earlier

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How dare you? You even have the nerve to torture them? After all we've done for you? As my name suggests I am Lord Britain, and I demand you release them all now. Release them or feel my wrath




  1. If they were in AFGHANISTAN committing acts of terror against America then they belong in Gitmo. America goes after all the bad guys, we don't discriminate by nationality.

  2. You would consider people who immigrated to Britain and proceeded to use it as a base for planning terrorist attacks to be some of your own?

    Residence does not a national make. ("Stone walls do not a prison make...")

  3. The US is going to take over Britain and annex it. You're nothing more than a piddly outpost in our vast empire now anyway.

  4. We are sorry our president is a criminal who has no respect for domestic or international law.  We will soon have a new president who understands that if we would have our friends do right by us, then we must likewise do right by them.  Britain's nationals will soon be either tried or released, as most of them should've been years ago.  Sit tight.

  5. IF i could

  6. Why is it you liberals suddenly have a problem with whats going on in Gitmo? I mean we did the same to n**i's and the j**s and even German troops in both ww1 and ww2.....I mean we had the same military trials on them that we are now doing to terrorists......and as for the torture claims we treat them way better than they treat our guys when they capture them........ so really I don't get were you liberals come from even members of our own military go throught similar trials....

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