
How dead-serious are you with Y!A?

by  |  earlier

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1. Do you have a second (or a third, even a fourth) Y!A account to back you up in times that you need a cohort?

2. You cant call it a day unless you've spent 3 hours or more answering Qs?

3. You stalk people that has previously offended you because their opinion on certain issues differ from yours, and mark all of his/her answers to all other Qs thumbsdown?

4. A car cuts you off in traffic, so you stick out your head on your window and yell "WTF! I'll report you to the community!!#^&^%$#^*&" ?

5. You start naming your pets Q&A and Yahoo?

6. When asked about something in school, or at work, you feel this insurmountable urge to come up with a good answer so you'd be rewarded with the 10 points as the best answer?




  1. Speaking for myself, This is nothing but a hobby to pass time away.

    I will NEVER take yahoo answers that serious. If I get insulted in some way, it will just roll right off me.

    There are psychotic yappers who are capable of stalking you literally. Be careful. (smile)These kind are lacking or craving something missing in their life seriously.

    Suggestions: Don't become too personally attached and don't let your feelings dictate how you respond. Its only a public website and you don't know anyone on a personal level.

    If you go away from the computer or go to bed at night still thinking about some crazy crappy question or answer, its time to find something else to occupy your mind and time into something more constructive. Its better to have friends you can see and know something about. Real friends know where each other live.

  2. Y!a, is taking my down time at work. I tell my friends to try answering. haha.

    now to your questions,'

    1. nope i dont have another yahoo account, why cheat for points?

    2. go back to the first statement

    3.nope i dont. but i sometimes check their profile. and you can always, report them!

    4. i dont drive. my office here in ayala is close to where i live. have feet, will walk.

    5. im so self centered, that i wont want to draw the attention away from me.

    6. at work? nope, im a travel agent, so everything is confined at work. you wont know any question about my crs and gds right?


  4. hahahaha very funny, indeed. reporting a fellow driver to the community? but not a bad idea, naming my pet "BA" hehehe.

    naahh, i'm not that dead-serious with Y!A. i'm happy just to dance with all of you here.  

  5. 1.) just one...

    2.) only if I have time, especially on weekends...

    3.) not really, only those hardcore ones... jejeje...

    4.) uhm, never did that...

    5.) don't have pets...

    6.) DEFINITELY...

    I mean, Y!A has been very helpful to me, in my career and school... also, I gained a lot of knowledge here, and met good people and friendly users, especially here in Y!AP... it's really nice being part of Y!A...

  6. Yahoo Answers is serious fun. With the imagined scenarios in this question, there is no doubt that Yahoo Answers is also entertainment.


  7. I am not serious at all about Yahoo answers. Your not supposed to be because if you are then your taking it way to personal. First off most of the people on here are kids. I do not rely on Yahoo answers for valuable info, your stupid if you do. Nobody on here has proof to back anything up unless you speak with them face to face.  Also no matter what it is everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech. As for some of the people that report our questions are just afraid that everyone will know the truth. That's why they report it, they do not want anyone else to see it. When that happens the person that did the reporting became to personally involved. The people that we should be reporting are the perverts that ask perverted questions, specifically sexual ones. One thing you have to keep in the back of your mind is always be cautious because we have some crazy fools on here. So have fun but be safe at the same time.

  8. If you get serious with YA and you still dont have a bf/gf,  there's a high probability that you  wont get one;

    if you  already have a bf/gf and you get serious in here, you wont have any  time for your bf/husband/gf/wife;

    and if  you are  still single, and you get dead serious with YA, youl'll be bound to end up an old maid.

  9. i get pretty serious here in Y!A Philippines, esp. when somebody (by other nationality or worst one of our own) try to fool around with anything Filipino.

    there's a very high level of prejudice here if you haven't noticed yet.

  10. I'm a pretty smart girl who just wanna have fun.... lol

    ◘ ◙ ◦ ☺ ☻ ☼ ♀ ♂ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♪ ♫

  11. Hello Anne C.

    Big NO to all 6! I'm a member since 2006 and if I'm dead serious...I would have been to Level 18!=P

    I learned that some would have a buffer account. i dont understand would see similar questions anyway. Its not like if you use a different account you will be seeing questions posted from Mars. Although, some have been ranting that some are trolls to get points. What for?!...I can always bribe someone to give me 10 extra points! LOL!=))

    How about you? Are you dead serious with this?!=P

  12. This is mostly for entertainment purposes.  I think nobody takes it too serious.  There's lots of kids on here and it seems like a "hang-out" for Filipinos all over the world.  Maybe they are homesick and lacking some friends to chat/message with.  I don't know.  About 1 out of 10 questions is really looking for an answer of some kind.  I try to help those I can by answering the best I can.  The others who are just killing time or asking silly questions, I try to be as entertaining as they are.  I don't try to insult or hurt feelings of people on purpose but sometimes my humor is not received in the spirit it is intended.  I got a new ID because my old one got suspended from YA.  Imagine that!  But I don't have several as you suggested.

  13. No to all your questions.

    As to being serious...not exactly but it helps me to while my time away in between logging customers (I run an internet cafe).  

    Going back to your questions...I think that Yahoo should evaluate their community guidelines and rules.  And perhaps, improve on some of them because they have become tools for abuse.

  14. very

  15. 1. No

    2. No

    3. No

    4. Yes, but I use stronger language

    5. No

    6. Not usually, but I'd take 10 dollars as a reward

  16. 1 - 6 no no no no no no

    does yahoo requires us to be serious? i hope they dont delete me bcoz i'm not serious.

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