
How deadly is a copperhead to a 45 year old?

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My dad got bit by a copperhead yesterday and hasnt done anything about it cuz he thought it was a bee sting. It has been really numb he says. While he drove us home last night and said it kept hitting him with pain. Cuz he said Ow! the whole way home. We r leaving for the doctor in a few minutes to get the venom out and he will get tetna shots.So i need to kno how big the chances r of him getting a surgery type thing.




  1. A copper head is a venomous snake. Im surprised that the venom did not punctuate thru the system. The copper head is one of the recorded killer snake in North America. Go to the doctor immediately because the consequenses might be fatal . Good Luck

  2. Deaths from copperhead envenomation are extremely rare. The tetanus shot is a good idea; polyvalent antivenin might help too; that's up to your quack. Maybe next time (if there is a next time), your dad will know enough to get immediate medical attention.

    Good luck.

  3. lucky case =  E.R. visit plus lots off swelling and pain . moderate case = E.R. visit plus digit loss or hand loss. bad case = E.R. visit plus death!  

  4. For one did you actually see the snake because you said "he thought it was a bee sting". If he got bit by a copperhead he needs to get to a hospital right away. They dont usually kill people IF YOU GET TO A HOSPITAL IMMEDIATLY. Waiting im sure did lifelong damage in some way. It will start destroying tissue then after a while total organ shutdown. It may be worse or not as bad determining that it could be a cotton mouth or another venomous snake and you may not be completely sure what it is unless you have it right in front of you. Take him to a hospital I read that you say his boss wont let him skip work to go. Would you rather be dead or fired? most employers will give him a break

  5. Copperheads are mildly venomous and deaths are extremely rare, despite what the first few answerers are saying. I have studied copperheads extensively. I have heard of several people who were bitten and did not seek medical attention. Me personally, I would go to the hospital. Antivenin isn't often necessary. An average medical bill for a venomous snake bite with the use of antivenin can run well over $20,000. Usually, the most damage that a copperhead will do is cause a finger to be amputated or the finger joints to not function properly. Although these results are rare, it's still enough reason for me to go to a hospital, if nothing more than for observation.

  6. Your Dad may die if he dosen't go to the hospital soon. The venom could get to his heart or other major organs causing them to shutdown. You needs to get to the hospital. There is no way of knowing how much venom he has in his body or how fast or where it has traveled to. Yes it is not usually fatal IF TREATED IN TIME!


    Hey click on this link  it will take you to all types of information

    i was reading    and it said     not usely fatel in adults

    however  defently needs to be treated   it is a very posinoss snake

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