
How death of Austrian Prince Archuduke causes First world war? How other countries started Participating?

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  1. 1 - Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austro-Hungary by Gavrilo Principe whilst on a state visit to Serbia.

    2 - Austro-Hungary, keen to expand it's influence on Serbia and the rest of the Balkan states, demand the Serbian government hand over the conspirators that it believes are in Serbia's parliament or they will declare war.

    3 - Serbia calls on it's alliance with Russia should they be attacked.

    4 - Austro-Hungary calls on it's alliance with Germany if the Russians involve themselves to which Germany readily agrees, wishing to become a dominant force in central Europe.

    5 - A-H begins to mobilise against Serbia. Russia does likewise against A-H and Germany. Germany responds in kind.

    6 - France is forced into the upcoming conflict due to it's alliance with Russia. It had been looking for an excuse to fight Germany since 1870 after the disastrous Franco-Prussian War.

    7 - Turkey allies itself with Germany to reinforce the crumbling Ottoman Empire in the East which would involve attacking Russia and expanding. This move by Turkey convinces Romania and Bulgaria to also join with Germany.

    8 - Germany, conscious of fighting a war on two fronts against France and Russia, develops the "Schlieffen Plan" whereby it would avoid the French defences by invading Belgium and circling behind them to capture Paris.

    9 - Germany invades Belgium, a big error, as this draws into the conflict the only "superpower" of the age, Great Britain. Britain, although morally supportive of France, had an alliance with Belgium that had been in place for the previous 75 years in which it would support Belgium's neutrality and would come to it's assisstance if that neutrality was violated.

    10 - With Great Britain joining the conflict this also draws in many of the countries within it's Empire including, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and India.

    Within two months of the assassination the world was at war. Bar the US.

  2. D bauced's answer is correct.

    You really should do your own homework.  This is information generally available to anyone that wants to take 10 minutes to look for it.  

  3. Well not do your homework for you

    America after the 1st world war wanted no part of wars over the pond We became isolationist When attacked by the Japanese we had a very small and underfunded military For the 1st year the Japanese were kicking our butts

    America had no business getting into that stupid war in the 1st place

  4. A Serbian "terrorist" killed Ferdinand, archduke of Austria.  Austria had been looking for any pathetic reason to annex/declare war on Serbia and the assassination was the tipping point.  Austria-Hungary was also allied with Germany.  Germany and Austria were looking to expand territories.  Russia, however was allied with Serbia and had been loosely allied with UK and France.  It was a domino effect.  There were several alliances which led the entire continent of Europe into all out warfare.  It was truly a stupid war.

    Ray - poor answer dude.  what does america's participation have to do with all of the other things that started the war?

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