
How deep can you make a pool in your back yard?

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I want to make a pool thats 20' deep in my yard. Does this depth bring problems not found by a 10 or 12' deep pool? I'm buiding my shelf for Scuba and snorkel fun. Any thoughts?





  1. A 20' deep pool needs to be at least 40' wide.  Additional water weight will add considerably to the rebar schedule and gunite for the whole pool.  If money was no consideration, yes it can be done. Get yourself a qualified contractor who uses a qualified civil engineer for the shell specs.  Hope you don't want a shallow end since your transition is going to make your pool much longer due to 3/1 slope considerations.  To have a shallow end you need the pool to be at least 70 ' minimum, 80' if you want 10' of shallow end at 3.5'

    Advice, go to the lake or ocean, its way more challanging than the backyard pool.  If you put the above pool in your backyard you should install a turnstile and sell tickets!

    You're welcome!!

  2. I have read pool literature that says a pool should only be 50% as deep as it is wide.  This is to keep the sides from caving in.  Your pool would have to be about 40' x 40'.

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