
How deep in the ocean.....?

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are where the sharks are?

i go chest deep and im 5 feet tall..

are there any small/big sharks that deep prolly

how close to the shore are the sharks

im just wondering





  1. The ocean is very very very deep. Imagine the grand canyon but deeper. Sharks will swim at any depth, yes they could swim at 5 feet easily and happens all the time.

  2. I would say small sharks would pursue prey fish into as little as 6 inches of water. Large bull sharks could be in two or three feet easy.

    Sharks go where the food is found. If you see many fish around you move back to shore until they pass. I my experience few fish are in the shallow surf most of the time. I have spoken to people who flew along the South Texas coast in helicopters and they say from the air they could see larger sharks between the second and third sand bars in about 5 to 6 feet of water. That is where my brother fishes for them and catches some but not really big ones. I caught a very small one over the first sand bar in less than a foot of water.

  3. most shark attacks are in 3 feet of water...

    that's just saying, statistically, if you WERE attack that's prolly where'd you'd be.. so don'tlet that scare you.. shark attacks are very rare.. the average depth of the abyssal plane is about 2 miles i believe, with deep sea trenches extending down to as deep as 30,000 feet (6 miles)

  4. Sharks can swim within 3 feet of water.  Sharks don't attack people with the intent of eating them.  They don't eat people.  Considering sharks don't have teeth, they have to use their mouth and teeth to see what things are.  A lot of times sharks mistake people for seals swimming along.  Along the coastline, you will normally find sandbar sharks, dogfish and nurse sharks. [off the top of my head]  Sharks don't hunt down people.  It is a mistake or an accident when sharks get bitten.  You can still get in the water during your vacation.  Shark attacks are very rare.

  5. Hammerhead sharks have been seen catching fish in water a few feet deep, and other sharks live at the bottom of the ocean.

    But, sharks don't live in every part of the world, so unless there have been shark sightings or attacks on the beach you swim in, you probably have nothing to worry about.

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