
How deep of a box should I use?

by  |  earlier

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If I were to buy subs with a "Top Mount Depth of 5-5/8" how many extra inches should the box be to make it sound as good as possible?

If I were to use a box the was 9 inches deep would that be good?




  1. the depth should be at least as deep as the sub (obviously) but if the sub has a vented pole piece (hole in the center of the magnet) then you should add as much depth as the vent is in diameter.

    the same goes for the port (if ported) the back should be as far away from the port as the port is wide (or the port's diameter if using a round port).

  2. You need to provide more details on the subs to get the correct answer.

    Depending on the sub-woofer the manufacturer should have certian recomendations and volume requirements that should be used to construct the proper box. The two most common types of sub-woofer enclosure are sealed and ported, they are also the easist types to construct. Sounds like you are building a sealed box so what is most important is the overall volume. Check the manufacturers recommendations for the correct volume and design the box that size.

    Sub-woofers need a enclosere with the proper volume in order to perform as they should. Using a box that is too large or small will result in poor sound reproduction.

  3. it would work but the correct box you should look at the specs of the subs to find out what they call for or you can look up the manufacturer and ask them what they recommend

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