
How dependent is Greece on fossil fuel based energy sources?

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How dependent is Greece on fossil fuel based energy sources?




  1. Anyone can quote web pages... many are wrong.  I will offer you an answer that is actually thought through.  

    My answer is "almost entirely."  


    1.  As evidenced by the comment on hydro above, the renewable energy sources in Greece are not very productive or reliable sources.  They have no nuclear power and few options for non-fossil sources.

    2.  Moreover, the Greek economy is based largely in shipping and tourism.   Both shipping and tourism are some of the largest users of fossil fuels on the planet, especially when you consider that many of those ships are full of fossil fuels!!!

    Greece is one fossil hungry nation...

  2. Engineer: 25% is too much. And since there were not many rains these winter so the hydro dams will remain closed to conserve the water.

    However there is one issue that almost noone takes into account. Almost 75% of households and hotels use solar power to heat water up for domestic uses. That statistic is not considered since there is no powwer produced.

  3. Almost totally.  Greece gets about 25% of its electricity from non-fossil sources (second link), but that's about it.  Greece has no nuclear generation.

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