
How desperate is McBush?

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Does he really think picking a female mayor makes us forget she is a REPUBLICAN?







  2. None. The real question is how desperate is Obama... Picking a 30 yr Washington insider-is this change?  

  3. he is very desperate. McSame already knows he cant get nearly as big of a crowd for his speeches.

  4. Desperate enough to cover his head with his Depends.

  5. What is this McBush?  Is this a new McDonald's burger made from shrubbery?

    I don't think I want that.

  6. excellent point, lol

  7. In 1976, a Governor beat a sitting President

    In 1980, a Governor beat a sitting President

    In 1984, a former Governor beat a Senator and former Vice President

    In 1988, a Governor lost to a sitting Vice President

    In 1992, a Governor beat a sitting President

    In 1996, a former Governor beat a Senator

    In 2000, a Governor beat a sitting Vice President

    In 2004, a former Governor beat a Senator

    Recent history suggests that Governors make the strongest candidates, all other things being equal.

    And considering how Democrats nearly wet their pants with glee when their own guy picked a woman for VP (Mondale, 1984); it looks more than a little hypocritical to be sneering at the idea now.  You could have had a woman for President, or VP, and you blew the chance; you look silly whining about it now.

  8. He's extremely desperate - this just shows how senile and out of touch poor McSame really's almost embarrassing!

  9. you say republican as if it's an insult. i don't think he picked her Because she was a Women. and she's a GOVENOR. she WAS a mayor.  she has experience in GOVERNING and she Probably got some of the Swing VOTES.

    MCAIN 08

  10. Another Obama woman hater.  Sarah Palin took the Lime light away from Obama and Obiden.  Biden was a real flop.  Sarah Palin is younger than Obama, and has accomplished more in Alaska than Obama has as a Absent Senator.  I thought that possessing young age and having energy was important to you OBAMALovers.  Now I can see that you were lying.

  11. Good point. Considering how the republicans have ruinned things in the past eight years, McBush is very desperate in picking a woman who nobody knows.  

  12. She's actually a governor, but I see where you are going w/this. On his part, it was very strategic but it could really end up backfiring.  

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