
How devastating do you think Gustav will be when finally making landfall the US?

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How devastating do you think Gustav will be when finally making landfall the US?




  1. It won't be a strong hurricane, a three or lower, but keep in mind that America has yet to recover from Katrina, a Category 3 that devastated the Gulf Coast and resulted in the largest migration of Americans since the Dust Bowl. There are many communities that are yet to be rebuilt, and New Orleans in particular has not even come close to returning to its original population and many are still living in FEMA trailers. This is the area that is likely to be affected by Hurricane Gustav.  

  2. Currently Gustav is a Cat. 4 hurricane with 145 mph. sustained winds. It could become a Cat. 5. A very dangerous hurricane. Probably as devastating at Katrina.

  3. I think a 3 or 4.  Not good.  If you are in it's (the monster) path, please evacuate.  You can't beat mother nature.

  4. Pretty d**n Bad.

  5. If it is a major hurricane, at least a Cat. 3, it will be bad. If it is a 4, which is possible it will be very bad. If hit is a direct hit or hits near New Orleans, it will be devastating.  

  6. Hopefully people prepare and take it a bit more serious then hurricanes such as Katrina. I hate it when people say it won't be that bad and then they end up getting killed by it, or hurt. I think that we should never take storms with such intensity for granted. I do believe that this one could be bad and by the looks of all the tropical storms and hurricanes we have had already in the season, this may just be a pretty tough year for us fellow americans.  

  7. I dont think it will be that bad like a 3 or lower

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