
How did 'global warming' cause the cyclone that hit Myanmar? (ocean temperatures have actually dropped)

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According to the research on global warming, there is some evidence that warmer ocean temperatures will cause more intense hurricanes, or cyclones. It has not been proved, but there is a possible link, even still, this particular cyclone being caused by global warming is questionable, because sea temperatures have actually dropped, thanks to glacial melt... So the cyclone should not have been especially powerful. Obviously I am not a scientist, so can somebody point out the flaw in my thinking?




  1. Global warming is a myth, or a failed prediction, take your pick. Solar magnetic cycles are more likely the cause of warmer water. There are 2 cold ocean spots now cooling the water. the return of La Nina in the pacific, and one in the Atlantic. La nina will cause lots of atmospheric turbulance, thus producing a lot of surface wind.

  2. Because Al Gore said so.  He made that one movie, about Global Warming, so he's an expert on it.  Also, Global Warming caused that volcano in Chile to erupt.  Also, Global Warming caused that earthquake in China.  

    Now, if you want to believe all that, then by all means, join half the planet and feel free to freak out and go buy some Carbon Credits...  which Al Gore actually sells...  check it, it's his company.  Or, you can just chalk it up to nature.  **** happens, been happening for hundreds of thousands of years.  The main reason for the massive devastation is that the Burmans are really poor, they live in sheds, they didn't stand a chance.  Even today, their own government won't allow aid to reach those that need it.  

    Last year, it was said at the beginning, to be the worst Hurricane season in decades...  and then...  nothing.  Predicting the weather is more or less a guessing game, they can make an assumption based on previous trends.  But we all know what happens when people assume...

  3. Cooler weather results in more severe tropical storms because cyclones are intensified by the differential between the air and water temperatures.  Warmer atmospheric temperatures produce calmer weather over open water.

  4. 'ocean temperatures have actually dropped'

    huh? where did you get that from?

    above average for that part of the indian ocean (and in the north atlantic funnily...)

    check out the Weekly Global SST Anomaly at;

    NOAA Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis

    (yahoo wont let me link, seems to have a problem with government sites!)

  5. Idiots abound. Global warming is a fact. The question is have we humans contributed to it in a significant way. An overwhelming majority of earth scientists believe we have. If you have spent the last twenty years studying the problem and can offer a valid, provable alternative, please do so. Remember this about ocean temperatures: scientists usually refer to average temperatures. Can you imagine the total heat required to raise the temperature of trillions of tons of water one half degree let alone several degrees

  6. it didn't, the cyclone is another example of a pneomenom we call "weather". There is no global warming.

    Go to- and watch the global warming video

  7. It didn't

  8. It's a mistake to attribute any one storm to global warming.  You are correct about that.

    But what can be said is that, as we warm storms will GENERALLY get worse, since, as you also said, heat is the fuel of storms.  So you need to look at patterns, not individual storms.

    This is a better example of that.

    "U.S. 2008 Tornado Death Toll 58% Above Average

    Not Half Over, 2008 Is Already the Deadliest Since 1998"

    Bottom line:  global warming will cause more storm damage, even though attributing any single storm to global warming is wrong, just as saying one cold winter disproves global warming is wrong.

  9. Hurricanes have been around since the beginning of time.

    Only recently have hurricanes/global warming been linked in order to cause more scare in the general public.

    Watch 'Key Largo' sometime.  It's a 1940's film w/ Humphrey Bogart about the Cat 5 hurricanes that hit Florida in the 1930's.

  10. Well the ocean is pretty f'in big and a little glacial melt/global warming wouldn't affect it especially true since global warming has supposedly increased the temp by like .6 degrees so far which doesn't' impress me much. Hurricanes/cyclones need warm water to fuel itself so once it hits land it starts dying so i guess its plausible that global warming has made it more powerful but i don't think like half a degree if that would make a hurricane/cyclone much more powerful so i wouldn't' say its global warming's fault in the least cyclones have been happening in the region since beginning of time and they'll continue to happen regardless of global warming

    and if global warming is true why can't scientists connect co2 with global warming? facts r too overwhelming i can't understand what hes saying cuz i'm a hippy yeah go on believing its real "believe nothing question everything" so yeah i'm saying don't' believe me look it up urself and make sure what ur looking at isn't being funded by any1 that has an agenda i.e. al gore or idk like oil companies

  11. Well, the premise of your question is wrong.

    Ocean temp has not dropped due to glacial melt. Ocean temp varies. Some places get warmer, some get colder.

    Storms are weather. Climate is the overall trend.

    Many factors go into cyclone formation besides ocean temp. The water is warm enough to allow storm formation.

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