
How did AID's start?

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in detail please....

someone told me it had something to do with monkeys but i dont really know..

Please help and explain it

Thanks =D




  1. Somehow the disease was transferred from monkeys in Africa to humans.  Actually the identity of the person who brought the disease  to America is known. Don't want to be racist but he was, I believe, Scandinavian. and entered this country with a valid passport.

  2. Most scientists today believe in was a mutation of the Simian Immuno Virus (SIV).  It was prevalent in monkeys and probably entered humans by eating the meat or through a cut when cleaning the monkey.  Due to the unprotected s*x in spread through out Africa.  It may have entered North America through Canada.

  3. There are many theories as to where aids came from but no one really knows the answer to that question.

    I read an article a few years back about a sailor who died from a mysterious illness back in the 1950's.  They preserved some of his tissues so that they could examine them once technology improved.

    Once they tested the tissue they found that he had died from aids, this is the earliest case on record.  

    This means that aids has been around for a lot longer than anyone previously believed.  This sailor visited many ports of call and could have picked up this disease anywhere.

    Aids has spread very fast because of the increase in worldwide travel, intravenous drugs , unprotected s*x etc.

    I hope that i have helped you with this answer.

    I have also heard/read the story about a flight attendant who was very promiscuous and ended up with aids.

    They call him one because they traced it all back to him.

  4. people illigally crossed over to the US and had s*x with monkeys.. im not gonna say which race it is because im not racist but thats wut happend. sry its kinda gross..

  5. No one really knows
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