Did he complete a degree in Environmental Engineering? Did he take an advanced course in Meterology or Climateology?
Seems to me there are many scientists and researchers on both sides of the global warming issue. Gore is an attorney by education and a politician by trade. When and where did he get his information, check the validity, and debate with the naysayers that have more scientific knowledge than him? I will acknowledge he has done a good job of sounding the alarm. I'm just a little suspect that he has done all the research and fully investigated all scientifuc evidence before getting on his soap box.
Do you know where he gets his info? Is it fed to him or does he spend hours in the librbary and labaratory researching and studying??
Or is he just a mouthpiece?
Personally I Think he is fed the info, hasn't done his homework and is just repeating what he has been told. Nothing wrong with that....just want some truth....what do you think?