
How did Brazil lose to france i dont understand that?

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How did Brazil lose to france i dont understand that?




  1. I don't understand why you put this question in Canadian Football.  France scored a goal, Brazil did not.  What is not to understand?

  2. they lost because the team did not show good futball they did not play how they usually do.and brazil wasnt playing good this hole world cup any way.they probably didnt take france serious and became over confiedent.

  3. France : good

    Brazil : bad

    do you understand better now?

  4. Well, their running game was not very good and France's aerial attack was tremendous but Henry should have caught that pass. What was he thinking kicking it into the net?

    Oh, soccer! I thought this was a CFL board.

  5. I'm sad too, but Brazil was just so slow today and then we had Ronaldo fishing for a free kick...

    Anyway every sport has to have a winner and a loser and in this case, sad as it is Brazil lost....

  6. i no. Brazil is WAY the best.

  7. I know they are the best them.Go BRAZIL man i wish they won.I hate playing soccer and watching soccer but when it comes to games like this i got to have myself a house party!!!Who the f*** wants France to win.But i'm glad US didn't win they would be bragging about it for a whole 3 months or so.I hope Brazil does win the next one.Go BRAZIL we still love u.But what was up wit Brazil today they just didn't play as hard they usually do.Man why did Brazil have to lose to France.Man i'm so mad.!! :( :(

  8. France-Sucks

    Brazil- Rocks

    However Brazil were way off their game today. It's a sad day when the French win at something, but it'll only be sports that they'll ever win at!

  9. Braziliens were OVER CONFIDENT thats why they lost the game....:-) Also when the ball is on Zidane's feet then none the Brazilien player can take it back...;-)...replay the match and see it yourself.

  10. Because the French played so much better. They had a very organised defence, and they managed to penetrate the Brazilian defence with ease..It would have been 0-3 if the Brazilians werent so lucky...The French got so close to score two more times.

  11. i agree with jmmessiac. its really quite simple


  12. france scored once,brazil did`nt,simple.

  13. they didnt play to their potentials and almost everyone look tired and france did play better than them as well

  14. well i dont know if u heard this but i saw on tv in a interview that brazilian soccer legend pele saying that thrughout the year brazil always has a prblem with france and it a history and if u look back at previous world cup u will know what he means

  15. I think that they were starting to get nervous and that it was a whole mind thing that made them lose. I think they lost because they were getting scared that France might beat them like in the 1998 World Cup.

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