
How did Britain, such a small Nation, conquer most of the Earth?

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I don't get it, there are countries 10x the size yet Britain at it's peak had the largest empire on Earth?




  1. It had superior technology.  Britain also was good with military- it had a strong army and the best navy several hundred years ago.  This- along with its journeys across the entire Earth (Hong Kong, India, some of Africa, Carribean, The United States, etc, Canada, and last but not least, Belize) helped it have dominance.  Its powerful military and strength enabled it to invade or just simply settle in different parts.  However, it exploited many people, caused problems (esp poverty), and up until the first quarter of the 1800s (maybe a bit later) was involved in slavery from West Africa.

  2. When England was a Kingdom we had a king.When England had an Empire we had an Emperor but now we are a country we have Gordon Brown.

  3. for its size it had a large population. Britain also had the most advanced navy in the world at that time, and it never tried to populate its holdings, raising colonies in undeveloped countries and controling them by controling the governments of the colonies. Basically ruling through a combination of economic, political, and military control...

  4. thats why we are the only country with great in its name

  5. They had great scientists and engineering. Some of the best inventors and great riches.

    A Real question is how does France own so much c**p?

  6. Big Balls!

    Cannon balls - that is!

  7. Greed, pure greed.  People going out to take what did not belong to them.  They may have rationalized that it was for King and Country, but it had a lot more to do with the honour and rewards they expected from the same monarch when they returned.  The technology of the time enabled them to travel great distances and take by force from the people on the receiving end who were very ill equipped in comparison.  For example, look at Australia.  The natives with spears and boomerangs were no match for cannon, gunfire and very determined invaders.  And who got all the benefits?  Not the aborigines.  Basically, the same story in every other place sequestered

  8. They did it through trade and steam.Prince Albert and Queen Victoria encouraged trade which led to the British capturing India and the great spice trade.The Great Exhibition of 1851 which sprung from the Society of the Arts.Of which Albert was president.All this including the railroad and steam ships made Britain very wealthy.

  9. the British are a very mixed bunch of ancient tribes and cultures and more recent ethnic and racial migration. Their History had determined their nature by the time Empire expansion was undertaken. The removal of non scientific forces like Catholicism and extreme religions enabled scientists and forward thinkers to practice safely in the country.....and need resources...hence Empire.

  10. Naval Technology.

  11. It all came down to just one thing,,the sea,,we are a sea faring nation and had the first national navy,our ships took our trade,government and armies all over the world,and we were to have the worlds strongest and largest navy from around 1550 right up to around 1943

  12. we had courage,we had technology,we had spirit,we were all kings,shame its not like that now,

  13. British men used to be men, that's how. Now they just sit back with a pint and read about their past.

  14. God only knows coz we take it up the butt off our government on TAXES!!!

  15. Strategy

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