
How did China achieve so much in Africa in such short time?

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With regards to construction done etc....




  1. All the previous reponses are correct.

    But there is another issue. Historically the western countries (europe, north american) heavily exploited african nations for their resources. Some examples are:

    1) Supporting dogs like Mobuto Sese Seko (a very evil man and regime) so that they could get mining rights in the Congo.

    2) Inciting and fueling conflicts, coupes and civil wars, like in  Angola with the hopes of getting their hands on resources.

    3) Putting heavy taxes and tarrifs of african produced products (especially agricultural ones) so that they become uncompetitve in western markets.

    4) Numerous other policies, too grusome to mention (especially by the dirty french and belgians).

    The result of this is that, when China comes along as a  new player on the stage, It looks like a saint, and their terms and policies are not as harsh as those from western countries, so they naturally tend to do business with them.

    Also China hasn't threatened them with military action.

    (At least not as yet)


  3. Communist Chinese presence in Africa dating back to the 70s,but it was'nt noticable until the 90s when China's economy exploded and eagered to seek raw materials to feed the booming economy. Africa has been nelegged by the West for so long,therefore when the Chinese come with tons of cash$ and no strings attach,the Africans open their hands wide and welcome these new friends.

  4. I think they want to change each others the country(continent)and I am agree

  5. well, when you grease the palms of dictators in places like Sudan, you get permission to do whatever you want to the minorities that are in the way.  Then you hire the janjaweed and everything you need falls into place as if by a miracle.

    one set of dictators likes another set of dictators -- is this a mystery?

  6. Tibet-Africa


  7. Two reasons, and they are very simple.

    #1 by not having a history of imperialistic behavior, the African countries can safely assume they will be free from USA type imperialist behavior.  (in another words, the USA, by its own deeds over decades, has cooked its own goose)

    #2 By being a friend instead of an adversary.  

    China has made a pledge to its people and the world they will not invade a sovereign country.  They also believe in a countries right to self determination.  Obviously, the USA does not share such high ideals.

    I'm not bashing the USA, I'm giving some here some common sense of how our way is slowly going to be our own undoing, unless we stop with this insane militarizing the world.


    At the very least, according to a 2005 congressional report, we sell 36% of the worlds exports of arms.  Some independent studies put that at up to 60%.  Whereas, according to the same 2005 congressional report, China's share is 3%.

    Download the report here:

    I mean really, would you trade with the USA if you were an emerging country with a track record like ours?


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  8. well, this is how it works: people think africa is poor. they are not. people think africa is a charity case. once again, no no. africa has loads and loads of stuff they could make bucks out of, but they don't have equipment, eg, the 2nd biggest diamond on earth was mined in angola. what would have happened if they didn't have anything 4 that?

    China has made money by giving africa equipment, and reaping the rewards that no one else gave a second glance at

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