
How did Christianity start???

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I mean the beginings of christianity. I don't want to hear what is says in the bible but from Anthropological studies, theories that sort of thing. The real history behind it.

I know its a big subject so just a brief overview or if you can inform me on any books, articles that would be great.




  1. Hmm..  Actually when Jesus "Christ" (Christianity) was born  He did everything in "A God's" power to prove there WAS a God by making Himself into a "human" image...(we are all "images' if you think about it...) to live 33 years as a "human" just so we as HUMANS, could "relate" to what this "Earth-world" should be like for everlasting peace within all of us..., only to be put to death by "non-believers" of a "God" that "painted" the 10 Commandments on a stone that NO ONE wanted to recognize... The "commandments" were actually "rules" to live by in order tfor us to make the decision for ourselves to make this world an extremely peaceful place in which to live. Yet we chose not to listen... at that time... (Have you ever thought about WHERE our laws came from? It is wierd that our laws have "changed" through people that would not lay themselves on a cross to be nailed to...) We all have our own "free will"...  By the way... the "bible" is a collection of "historical" documentation...

    "For those who DO believe...NO explanation is necessary.. For those "do NOT" believe.. no explanation is POSSIBLE"... (St. Augustine...)... it all comes from within your own heart... not whether someone tries to "convince" you or not.... We are free to make our own judgements ... Regardless of whether "Jesus" was God Himself... Wouldn't this world be a much better place if we all followed His teachings?...Jesus' teachings?... however way would make you feel comfortable in looking at Him from a "non-Christian": point of view?... Hypothetically.. IF there wasn't A "god"... Wouldn't you think that this world would be an extremely happier place if we followed the "Ten Commandments"?.... I am open minded... BTW?... Where did the other entry come from about Catholics"?...LOL!!... Methodist use that "word" and it means "UNIVERSAL"... heehee... I really got a kick out of that... We are ALL one people....if this question is not really about "psychology" or for personal growth... it would be much better up under science or for me?... "Law and Ethics".... I am sure you would get a really BIG kick out of the answers there... LOL!!... (sorry... personal experiences passing through my mind...)

  2. Go to and you will find out...

  3. You think Anthropological studies and Religious research have the answers to the orgins of Christianity? These discourses are still trying to define themselves. They are too young to even understand the beginnings of Chrstianity. You want the 'real' history of Christianity .. 'real' anthropological evidence is right before your eyes ... christians use the holy bible or the book of mormon... You can go through every anthropological study done or research in religious studies and you will never find your answer.. I recommend reading what the christians readdo and you can determine for yourself what the origions of christianity were ....good luck :)

  4. Christianity derived from Christ rising.

    Personally I'm agnostic, but that's where it came from.

  5. A huge uprising 2,000 years ago, which eventually took over the Roman Empire. When the empire began to collapse, it split itself into two entities - one was called the Roman Catholic Church. We still have it today.

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