
How did D-day effect Europe?

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How did D-day effect the people of Europe? What was the outcome of it? What was it?

I tried Wikipedia, but the site does not have what I am looking for.

Thanks very much!




  1.   You are looking for someone to do your thinking for you.  You say "What was D-Day".  Read and learn.  When you know what it was, you can decide for yourself what it did for Europe!

  2. it led to the liberation of Europe from n**i control.... and eventually the fall of n**i Germany.

  3. June 6 1944  - the invasion of Normandy France by the wesrern allies.

    This led to the liberation of France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Denmark from the German occupying forces and enabled the ultimate defeat of Hitler in conjunction with the Russians who were attacking Germany from the east

  4. It meant that the Allies got a foothold in mainland Europe and they could liberate the occupied countries in Western Europe, it also meant that the Germans could not afford to send any of their divisions to fight the Russians in the east where they were needed more than they where in Normandy.

  5. I'm not going to answer a question that dumb.

    But I'll ask you which D-day?



    Operation Torch?

    Operation Husky?



  6. I gave hope to the people in countries occupied by Germany. The outcome was that it gave the Allies a foothold in Europe from which they could bring in more troops and materials to fight the Germans. And from there they continued on into German occupied territory, liberating countries as they went. It also force the Germans to send in more troops and machinery to fight this new threat on the western front.

    As they advanced the Germans were forced to retreat and eventually withdrew all of it's armies back into Germany. The beginning of the end for Germany. It also took Germany by surprise landing in Normandy instead of Calais where the Germans thought the invasion would come.

    Hope this helps, Good Luck and have a nice day.

  7. My grandfather's brother was on Omaha. It led to the freedom of France and other nations in Europe, and like every battle victory came at a heavy price. We lost allot of men on Omaha, but it meant the war in Europe was going to come to an end.

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