
How did Dr. Josef Mengele evade capture?

by Guest56053  |  earlier

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Apparently, the Mossad agents knew of his location in Bertioga (outskirts of Sao Paulo) Brazil, yet failed to arrest this outrageous n**i fugitive. While Adolf Eichmann was apprehended, Mengele's life as a free man makes me skeptical of justice. Just imagining this brute ending his life on a serene beach makes me fume and wonder how effective fugitive apprehension efforts typically are.




  1. 1979        Feb 7, Josef Mengele (b.1911), n**i concentration camp doctor and medical experimenter, accidentally drowned in Bertioga, Brazil. He was secretly buried in another man's grave in Brazil. [See Jun 6, 1985] In 1985 his identity was confirmed by DNA.

    obviously he wore a disguise and avoided being seen in public to conceal his identity. even his death was hidden but the secret was betrayed eventually.  

  2. Israel drew a lot of international condemnation for the kidnapping of Eichmann.  The operation did violate any number of international laws and treaties.  If a nation considers itself to be sovereign, they generally do not allow law enforcement personnel in the employ of foreign governments to operate in their territory without so much as a by your leave.  It was no more serious because of who they went after, and because the South American nations had made themselves havens for war criminals and refused extradition requests.  But perhaps the international reaction made them think twice before mounting another similar effort.  Israel also drew condemnation for their efforts to track down and kill those behind the Munich Olympics massacre, particularly for the mistaken murder of a Moroccan waiter in Lillehammer, Norway, based on faulty intelligence, in the process of which about half the team sent was apprehended by Norwegian law enforcement.

    They may have lacked absolute certainty that this was in fact Mengele.

  3. Actually Israel did not know his location while he was still living, it wasn't until after he died and his body was dug up for testing was it confirmed to have been him.  The main reason he was able to get out of Germany is that he was not that well known during the war so the focus was on capturing the top n***s like Goering & Himmler, Eichmann  as well as Goebbels and Hitler who were already dead.  Mengele was not on the list of wanted n***s at first and by the time his crimes were more fully realized he was out of the country.  

    It's unfortunate that he didn't face justice in his lifetime but he's facing it now.

  4. I can't believe that. If the Israelis knew his location they would have gone after him. Then again, maybe his death wasn't an accident.

  5. A group helped him to escape. I will not name this group right here though. I know that it will offend many people.

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